One Shot: Daughter's Boyfriend

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Severus finds out that his teenage daughter Eileen has a boyfriend. What will his reaction be? And how will he react when he meets the boy?

This is a request from neesfilms on Tumblr. Thank you for your request!

I hope you enjoy!

Published: 8/24/2022 ———————————————

Word count: 1.2k

Severus Snape is very protective of his daughter, Eileen. Especially now that she's a teenager - time passes by way too fast... He remembers her first word, her first step, first time she laughed, first time she cried.

He remembers when he and Y/N followed her to King's Cross Station on her first day to Hogwarts. Y/N was emotional, but so was Severus. He did his best not to show it, but Y/N could easily tell that his eyes were red.

He allowed himself to cry when they got home. "My little girl is at Hogwarts..." he whispered as Y/N stroked his hair.

He was very proud to hear that she was sorted into Slytherin, just like her father and mother.

And he was even more proud to hear that she was the best in her year - especially in Potions. So far, she has only gotten O for Outstanding in Potions.

He's a very proud father - well, she did learn from the former Potions Master, but still. He was so happy to hear that Potions was her favourite subject, and still is.

He often gossips with Minerva about how his little girl is doing while she's away at Hogwarts. She is the Headmistress after all, so she knows about every student.

However, one day, Minerva tells him something he's not too pleased to hear.

They are talking through the fireplace. "Hello, Severus. I hope you are well. I hear that you have been writing books?" Minerva questions.

Severus nods. "Indeed, I've finally decided to write Potions books for students as the current ones aren't... completely up to date" he tells her.

He's almost done writing for each year. If everything goes well, the books will be published next year and will be used at Hogwarts.

He wants his daughter to be as successful in Potions as possible... Besides, the dunderheads might as well be able to learn some proper brewing techniques too, If they decide to read them, that is...

Minerva sips on her tea before telling him something.

"Oh, by the way. You know how news travels fast at Hogwarts..." she starts.

He raises an eyebrow. "I do... What happened?" he asks, looking intrigued.

She gives him an innocent smile. "It might just be a rumour, but... Your daughter might have a boyfriend" she says.

As Severus is drinking some tea as well, he immediately spits it out. "What?! How?? When?? WHO?" he demands.

Minerva smirks. "Oh, I don't want to spoil it for you as I'm sure you will meet the gentleman soon. Now, I have some paperwork to do. Have a good day, Severus!" she innocently says as she leaves the fireplace.

Severus is staring at the empty fireplace, his fingers twitching and a scowl on his face. Could Eileen truly have a boyfriend? She hasn't told them by owl yet!

When he tells Y/N as she gets home from work, she coos. "Aww, our little girl is growing up!" she says dreamingly.

Severus huffs. "She's growing too quickly..." he mutters.

Y/N playfully hits his arm. "Don't worry, Severus. She will always be our little girl" she tells him as she kisses his cheek. He melts into her touch.

"She didn't even tell us..." he whispers.

She chuckles. "I'm sure she wanted it to be a surprise... She probably didn't expect McGonagall to tell you before she did" she states.

He slowly nods. Perhaps she's right... He will just have to wait and see.

A few months later, it's almost Christmas. Eileen is arriving home today, and she's bringing someone with her. She didn't state who it is, but Severus and Y/N already know thanks to Minerva McGonagall.

It's her boyfriend... Her first boyfriend.

Severus can't help but feel rather nervous. What if he's a dunderhead? What if he's a troublemaker? What if he's an arrogant, spoiled and rude boy? What if he won't treat his daughter right?

What if he's a Gryffindor?

His thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. He takes a deep breath. Y/N approaches him before gently grabbing his arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"It will be fine, Severus... Now, don't scare the poor boy away" she jokes.

He huffs. "No promises..." he mutters.

Shaking her head, Y/N guides him towards the door. As they open, they see their teenage daughter next to a boy her age.

"Hello, Eileen. And who is this?" she asks as she looks at the boy.

Eileen smiles. "Father, Mother, this is Jake Wilson. He's my boyfriend" she explains as she looks at her parents.

The boy slowly reaches out his hand. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Snape. It's a pleasure to meet you" he says, sounding a little nervous.

Y/N smiles. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Wilson" she says.

She then looks at her husband. Severus is looking at the boy as if he's trying to peer into his soul. He's practically staring at him with a scowl on his face, making the boy a little bit uncomfortable.

Y/N gently nudges her husband's arm, gaining his attention. He clears his throat.

"Welcome to our home, Mr. Wilson... A fair warning - don't even think about hurting my daughter. Trust me when I say you will regret it" he warns.

Y/N sighs at her husband while Eileen's face turns red. "Father!" she exclaims.

Severus huffs. "It's what all fathers say to their daughters' boyfriends... Now, you two. Are you going to enter, or are you going to stand out there the entire Christmas break?" he sarcastically asks.

Rolling her eyes like her father always does, Eileen grabs Wilson's hand and guides him inside.

The two of them stay in Spinner's End until it's time to get back to Hogwarts. While staying, Severus and Y/N get to know Wilson better.

Severus almost spits out his food during their first dinner when Wilson states that he's a Gryffindor. Great, a Gryffindor... That definitely worsened his mood.

However, as the days pass by, Severus slowly starts to tolerate the boy. He's pleased when he finds out that the boy is good at Potions. He can tell that the boy has a passion for brewing...

That does make him a little less of a dunderhead than other boys.

He can tell that Wilson likes his daughter, and she likes him. The boy seems to be a good match for her... At least so far.

Nonetheless, when the two teenagers are about to leave for Hogwarts, Severus clears his throat.

"Well... Thank you for staying with us, Mr. Wilson. I can tell that you like my daughter, and you do seem like a well-behaved young man. I hope you will visit with Eileen again someday" he says.

That seems to surprise both Y/N, Eileen and the boy in question.

Wilson smiles. "Thank you, sir. I definitely will. And yes, I do like Eileen. I love her..." he slowly says, his cheeks turning red. Eileen's cheeks turn red as well. Severus smirks, feeling satisfied by their flustered state.

The teenagers wave them goodbye and leave Spinner's End. As they do so, Y/N smiles while looking at them, hand in hand.

The corners of Severus' lips slowly turn upwards. He's happy for his daughter. Perhaps the Gryffindor boy isn't so bad.

Author's note:
There are currently no more requests for Friendship with the Potions Master!

Update: New request! "Rictusempra!" will be published on 12/16/2022!

Friendship with the Potions Master (Severus Snape x Slytherin student! reader)Where stories live. Discover now