Word count: 2.3k
Warning: Mentions of deathIt's two in the morning - people are finally going to sleep as the Yule Ball has come to an end. The Headmaster let the students go to bed late to enjoy the party a bit more.
Thank Merlin it's the weekend now, otherwise Severus wouldn't have been able to teach these dunderheads - extremely exhausted dunderheads.
Severus is strolling in the halls, trying to find more misbehaving students. Most of them are refusing to go to bed - well, that is until their tired brains register which professor they are talking to.
He holds back a smirk when they run towards their common room.
As he decides to head to his private chambers, he sees Y/L/N walking towards the Slytherin common room. The girl spots her Head of House.
"Oh, hello, professor. I was just about to go to bed" she says, giving him a shy smile.
"That is good, at least I don't have to make you go to bed like your fellow classmates" he says, sighing in irritation.
She chuckles a bit. "I'm sorry to hear that they aren't listening to you. I'm sure a few house points taken from them will do the job. Good night, sir" she shyly says.
"Good night, Y/L/N" he says as the girl turns around to enter the portrait.
Before she does so, he clears his throat. "Oh, and Y/L/N?" he asks.
The girl turns around, giving him her full attention.
"I like your dress" he suddenly compliments.
Her dress is long and green with thin straps. Narcissa did a good job on finding one for her.
Y/L/N blushes at his compliment. "Thank you so much, sir" she says, giving a big smile.
"You look good, too" she suddenly blurts out before covering her mouth with her hand. She clearly didn't mean to say that.
Severus just chuckles at her. "You are tired, Y/L/N. You should get some sleep" he tells her.
He's sure she only said that because she's tired. Nobody could find him good-looking, right?
The girl slowly nods. "Right... Sleep well, sir" she says just before hurrying inside the common room.
Severus smirks as he heads towards his private chambers for yet another sleepless night.
______________________________Later, it's afternoon as Severus once again strolls in the halls. He sees Argus furiously cleaning up after last night's event as he mutters threats to the students under his breath. Ignoring him and his cat, Severus moves on.
Draco spots his Godfather. "There you are! We haven't talked much lately. To be fair, I have been quite busy bothering Potter about his poor attempts at his first task" the boy says as he smirks.
Severus rolls his eyes. The boy has always been obsessed with bothering the Boy Who Lived. He wonders how often Lucius hears about this.
The boy then sighs in annoyance. "Honestly, I cannot stand Professor Moody! He's horrible!" he exclaims, complaining about the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
His Head of House raises an eyebrow at him. "Yes, Y/L/N told me that he taught you the three Unforgivables" he says. He wonders what else the Auror has taught them.
Draco huffs. "Yes, he made a spider land on my face... But that's not all! He turned me into a ferret, humiliating me in front of Potter and his friends! Crabbe and Goyle were there, too. Thank Merlin Pansy wasn't nearby" he says, sighing in relief at the thought.

Friendship with the Potions Master (Severus Snape x Slytherin student! reader)
FanfictionY/N Y/L/N is a shy, quiet, smart and hard-working girl who is sorted into Slytherin. Her father, Y/F/N Y/L/N, is keeping a secret from his own daughter which involves the death of her mother. During her seven years at Hogwarts, she develops a frien...