One Shot: We Got You

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Y/N gets hurt during work at St. Mungo's Hospital. Severus and their daughter Eileen make sure that she's okay.

This is a request from Amaya_Honeybelle. Thank you for your request!

Y/O/N means your owl's name.

I hope you enjoy!

Published: 5/17/2022

Author's note:
So sorry for the delay! I'm really busy and tired lately.

Word count: 1.1k
Warning: Swear words

It's a busy day at St. Mungo's Hospital. The staff is taking care of a lot of patients - births, infections, bites... They have all sorts of things to treat.

Y/N is currently in the department where all the more mentally unstable people are, such as people who have lost their memory. One of them is Gilderoy Lockhart, one of her former Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers. And probably her worst...

She has gotten the displeasure of serving him lunch.

"Thank you, my dear Y/N. Would you like an autograph? I'm sure you asked for plenty of those when I was teaching. But of course, as generous as I am, you can get another one" Lockhart states, smiling and showing his pearly white teeth.

Y/N sighs. He keeps calling her by her first name, claiming he can't remember her last name.

And if only he knew that she was one of the only girls in her year not fangirling over him...

"Why, thank you, Mr. Lockhart" she says, trying to be as polite as she can to this obnoxious man.

He grabs a photo of himself and signs it. "Here you go, specifically made for you" he says as he grins before handing it to her.

Y/N looks at it. He drew a heart on it... She tries her best not to gag.

"Thank you... Now, you should eat your lunch" she states.

He gives her a confused smile. "Lunch? Oh, right. We cannot have a conversation about all the great things I did on an empty stomach" he says as he laughs before taking a bite of his sandwich.

Y/N snorts. He still doesn't remember that he got busted for being a fraud. She wonders if he remembers the only spell he seemed to know well - Obliviate.

Just then, another patient approaches them.

"I asked for a burger, not a sandwich!" he complains rather aggressively.

Y/N gives him a confused look. "Sir, you can't choose what you'll get. The kitchen cooks in advance" she tells him as gently as possible.

He huffs. "I don't care, I'm not eating this! Give me a burger, now!" he demands.

Y/N sighs. She hates dealing with aggressive patients.

"Sir, please calm down. I'll ask if they can make you a burger" she tries.

"I am calm, you bitch!" he snaps, balling his hands into fists.

She's taken aback by that - she's not used to patients swearing at her.

Lockhart rises from his seat on the couch in the room. "Now, now. No need to talk like that to this young lady. I'll have you know that I know a great deal of spells that will make you regret it" he says rather confidently.

Y/N is shocked. She didn't expect Lockhart to defend her. Hopefully no one will get hurt...

"Ha! You? I have heard about you, you're a fraud. You don't know anything!" the aggressive man taunts.

Lockhart looks offended. "I assure you I'm not a fraud... Okay, you have been warned!" he alerts.

Y/N widens her eyes. Oh, no. This can't end well!

Before anybody can stop him in time, Lockhart mutters a spell.

However, his poor aim prevents him from hitting his target. Instead, he hits Y/N as everything turns black.

Severus hurries through the halls of St. Mungo's Hospital with his daughter's hand in his. As soon as he heard the news of what happened to his wife, he apparated here in an instant.

Desperately looking everywhere, he finds a healer. "Where is she? Where is my wife?" he demands, trying his best not to sound too worried.

"Oh, Mr. Snape. Follow me, I'll take you to Y/N" the female healer states as she starts walking.

The father and daughter as well as the brown owl on the little girl's shoulder quickly follow the woman to one of the rooms.

Y/N is resting on the bed. As she notices her family, she tries to get up. Severus however quickly strolls towards her and prevents her from doing so.

"Shh, we are here. Don't move. We came as quickly as we could" he whispers, caressing her cheek.

Noticing the healer looking at them, Severus clears his throat. "You may leave us now" he states in his usual monotone voice.

Chuckling, the healer nods before leaving them.

Once she's gone, Severus looks at his wife, worried. "Are you okay?" he asks.

Y/N gives a tired smile. "I'm okay now that you two are here" she says.

As she hears a jealous hoot, she chuckles. "Sorry, you three" she corrects herself, smiling at her owl.

Eileen shows the plushie in her arms. "Four" she corrects, giggling.

She then climbs onto the bed and hugs her mother. Y/N immediately hugs her back.

"If I ever see Lockhart again, I swear I'll..." Severus mutters, looking angry.

His wife sighs. "He didn't mean to, Severus. The hex was meant for another patient" she explains.

Severus raises an eyebrow at that. "How come? Did the other patient say how incompetent he is?" he asks in a taunting tone.

"No, he was actually protecting me from him" she quietly says.

That surprises the former Potions Master. "Protecting...? Y/N, what happened?" he questions, looking worried again.

"The guy was aggressive... He demanded that we gave him something else to eat. I told him to calm down, he then called me a..." she explains, stopping herself. She doesn't want her five-year old daughter to hear that word.

Severus nods, understanding. He however balls his hands into fists. "That man better pray that I never meet him..." he growls.

Eileen giggles. "Otherwise, we will show him! Right, Daddy?" she asks innocently.

Severus chuckles. "Right, Eileen. We will show him" he agrees, smirking.

Y/N chuckles as well, looking amused. She then grabs her leg in pain. When the spell hit her, it hit her leg and caused it to swell. It hurts badly.

"Don't worry, darling. We got you" Severus whispers, wiping away a single tear from his wife's left eye.

Eileen nods. "Yes, we got you, Mommy! We love you, and we will always protect you! And so will Y/O/N. Well, both of them" she states, giggling as she refers to both Y/N's owl and the owl plushie in her tiny arms.

The real owl nods its head, agreeing with her.

Y/N smiles at them. "I know. I love you all so much" she says, trying not to cry.

As Severus wraps his arms around her, Eileen squeals. "Group hug!" she exclaims as she hugs them both tightly.

Her parents chuckle at her as they hug her back while Y/O/N hoots happily.

Y/N is so lucky to have them in her life. They always know how to cheer her up.

Author's note:
The next one shot "Severus Snape's Memories" will be published on 6/6/2022!

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