End of Year 2 (chapter 10)

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Author's note:
Once again, sorry for the delay. I hope you will enjoy!

Also, happy Halloween!🎃👻 (10/31/2021)

Word count: 2.9k
Warning: Petrification and mentions of blood and death

It's been a month since the last petrification... Until now. Hermione Granger was found near the library in her petrified state.

Severus can't help but feel somewhat relieved - he will enjoy every second of the insufferable know-it-all's absence in class. He won't be seeing her putting her hand up all the time for a few months. What a nice late Christmas present.

Of course, Potter and Weasley are absolutely devastated by this. So are others - not because of the girl being petrified, but because all the Quidditch matches have been cancelled.

"Stupid Mudbloods. I could have been playing Quidditch right now if they weren't being petrified all the time" Draco loudly complains to Crabbe and Goyle during lunch.

Loud enough for two particular Gryffindor boys to hear him.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Weasley yells, clearly furious.

Draco smirks. "What are you going to do about it, Weasley? Hex me again with your broken wand? You might hit Potter this time" the boy taunts.

Potter stops his red-haired friend before he can do any harm. Which is good - otherwise, Severus would have taken ten points from Gryffindor.

Later that day, Severus walks along the Black Lake to clear his head. He has had very few hours of sleep lately - less than he usually gets. He has so much to speculate about.

He still hasn't figured out what happened on the day Y/L/N's mother died. He truly can't remember.

He's also speculating about the Heir of Slytherin - who could it be? It's obviously not Potter, and the Dark Lord isn't back already. At least not to Severus' knowledge.

As he's walking along the lake, he suddenly notices Y/L/N sitting under a tree while reading a book. It brings back memories for Severus - he was often under that tree himself, reading a book as well.

He decides to approach the girl. "Isn't it too cold to sit down on the ground at this time of the year, Ms. Y/L/N?" he questions her.

Y/L/N looks a bit startled. She was probably caught up in her book, not paying any attention to what's going on around her. She seems to be reading about Defence Against the Darks Arts.

"Oh, hello, professor. I didn't see you. And it's not that bad, my coat is keeping me warm" she says as she gives a shy smile.

Severus nods. "I see. Well, I won't disturb you anymore. Enjoy your book" he says as he turns around to leave. He however doesn't get far.

"By the way, professor, I have noticed that the potion shelves haven't been organised for a few weeks. I was wondering if you need some help with that?" Y/L/N hesitantly asks.

Severus immediately stops. He thought nobody had noticed that. He honestly thought nobody even noticed that the shelves were being organised - the dunderhead students don't know how to put back the items exactly where they took them from.

He hasn't organised them in a while due to stress. Severus Snape is a very stressed and busy man with lack of sleep as well as lack of coffee. And people don't understand why he's always so grumpy.

He slowly turns around to look at the girl who just offered to help him. No students have ever offered to help him. Actually - nobody has offered to help him with anything.

Friendship with the Potions Master (Severus Snape x Slytherin student! reader)Where stories live. Discover now