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(Almost 4 months had passed)

July was fast approaching and everyone had just about completely settled in. Harry left for Australia and Amita and Constance flew together to LA. Amita hated that Harry couldn't be with her but she understood he had his family business back home and she had her family business here. Their last night together was mainly filled with conversations about the future and their relationship despite most people's bets being they'd just bang all night. Their relationship was physical, but it also was extremely mental and emotional too. They were the type to talk and talk for hours on end about life and the meaning of it all. She loved being mentally challenged and forced to see other perspectives. However, now that she was living with her Aunt and Uncle in their small apartment it was hard. There were too many people in and out and she rarely found chances to be alone with her own thoughts.  Every Skype call to Harry had to be very hush hush or she'd have to go to a nearby Starbucks. She didn't want her family to know about her newfound relationship, at least not yet. It was new and a little complicated as she still really never had that sit-down talk with Lou. Amita figured since Lou hadn't brought it up yet or acted any differently toward her it wasn't a big deal. Despite the silent understanding, she still wanted to have that conversation even Lou approved. Constance on the other hand was loving every second of the move and being in LA. She constantly vlogged about the move. She filmed a good part of the packing process, flying and landing, and then proceeded to take her viewers on every shopping trip she made to decorate the new pad. She also joined a new platform to her called Twitch. She'd just sit there and talk to her viewers or play dumb games. It was a good way to pass the time and it gave her a small amount of steady income.  The public transportation system wasn't quite the same so she ended up skateboarding everywhere or catching Ubers, but other than that, she was enjoying the LA life and never wanted to leave it. 


Tammy and Nine arrived at their new house about a week after Deb and Lou had their reunion. The kids were enrolled in their new private school, Roni was busy applying for Universities and Nine Ball had her days filled with renovations at her new bar. It was a work in progress as she bought a place that had been burnt down in a recent wildfire, but it was nice having a clean slate to work from. She got to design the layout how she wanted and even was allowed by the county to put a basement in it which isn't all that common in California. She was extremely happy with the progress she was making, however, she did sometimes feel a little guilty that she and Lou didn't partner up. Tammy though always reminded her that their visions for the space never truly meshed well together and neither of them would have been truly happy with the outcome of combining that space. 

While Tammy had been itching to get back to work she knew she needed to be at home with Lucas and to make sure everything at the house was running smoothly. All the rooms in the house were freshly painted by April and individual styles started appearing in each of the rooms around May. The house was nearly done, however she still hadn't settled on a true theme for Lucas's nursery. She didn't know why she couldn't but it just felt odd to her. She was still a little afraid this house wouldn't end up being their permanent home. After all, Claude was free, Benedict was mad, and Danny needed their help. However, they hadn't heard from anyone in a long time. Linus was a ghost and the half-brother of Terry, who had been following Lou on her journey never resurfaced after Canada. Rusty was only sending his location every once in a while to let Debbie know he was alive. Other than that, there were no new developments in the case. Everyone seemed to be continuing with their lives without much worry which eased Tammy's mind. Despite this, she knew deep down that Deb was not finished. Speaking of Debbie, she also knew she had to make a trip down to Santa Monica to help Debbie and Lou. A very small smile appeared on her face at the thought of them living in an empty loft with maybe an air mattress and a mini-fridge and all their shit still stacked up in boxes waiting for her to help them. It's not that they couldn't unpack or do anything themselves, but it had always been her helping them make spaces homey. She was the one who helped Deb every time she wanted to change her room growing up. She helped Lou and Deb get their apartment set up back in New York. She helped Debbie with the furniture in her place she lived in alone and then with Claude. She had also helped Lou get that loft a little less lofty and more into a usable space. She enjoyed helping others feel at home. Maybe because she herself never felt at home, just a person with a house playing the part of having a home. 

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