Prove It

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It had been a week since Lou and Deb's encounter. Deb was still shacked up at her old house and the rest of the girls were at the loft. Besides a few awkward minutes of silence every now and then, everything at the loft was going just fine. Amita was in contact with her uncle and getting ready for the move. She was going to stay with him and his wife until she could find a place herself. Not that she didn't have the money, but she wanted to see the place for herself before she committed to something. Daphne found a house a few houses down from Khloe Kardashian and Tammy was still house hunting. Constance really didn't need to plan much, all she really had to do was sell her new loft that she honestly barely used. Lou and Nine Ball were bouncing ideas off about the club/bar and if it was a good idea to connect them or keep them separate. Nine Ball's vibe for her place was much more lowkey biker joint than a young adult club.

"So, I was thinking, the club would be downstairs, like in the basement of the bar," Lou said as she pointed at blueprints of a building in Santa Monica.

"Yeah that's an idea," Nine Ball said as she scrolled through some pictures.

"I mean we don't have to, we can have your bar downstairs and my club on the ground floor and up above. It's whatever you think would be best. I want you comfortable," Lou said as she watched the pictures go by on the screen.

"I'm still not sure our vibes match enough though. And I think people would get turned off by the idea of having it split unless we were open on different nights. Most of my crowd doesn't want to be near yours and vise versa," Nine Ball commented as she looked over Lou and then herself. Lou nodded.

"I would love to, but I just think our vibes don't match," Nine Ball continued. "But I promise I will do security for your club though."

"Alright, I can live with that," Lou said. She kissed the top of Nine Ball's head and walked off with a magazine in tow. As Lou left, Tammy took her spot next to Nine Ball with Lucas in her hands. They both quickly became immersed in conversation about the bar and where they wanted it.

Lou went upstairs to her and Debbie's room. It felt so empty there, but it was the only spot in the house where Lou could still feel her presence. Daphne followed the blonde upstairs and into the bedroom undetected. Lou sat on the bed and immediately jumped when she saw Daphne standing there.

"Geezus Daph, you could have said something," Lou said clutching her chest as if she had just had a heart attack.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to talk," Daphne said as she sat on the bed.

"Yeah, sure what's up?" Lou asked.

"What happened at the hospital?" Daphne questioned.

"That's none of your business," Lou said with a bit of annoyance in her tone. She knew one of them would ask at some point other than Tammy. Lou never expected it to be Daphne though.

"But it is, as much as I don't like owning up to it in public, we're a family. And literally, the one woman who formed us is missing and the second in command has been putting on an act for the last week," Daphne snapped back.

"I have no control over what Deb does Daph. She's a grown adult, we all are. We make our own choices," Lou replied with the same amount of attitude.

"Well I for one know it's much bigger than that. We may all be adults but that woman does not make a decision not based off of you in some fashion. Her whole world has revolved around you since the day the heist was over. God knows what you two did during the 3 months we all split up. So, spit it out, what happened?" Daphne said as she put her chin in her hand. She gave Lou that I'm not going anywhere til you talk look. Lou just sighed and rolled her eyes at the brunette. Daphne was being childish, but she also wasn't wrong.

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