Mine Once More

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*buzz buzz*

Deb groaned as the vibration of her phone continued to rattle against her bedside table. She reached over and grabbed her phone. She winced as the brightness of her phone blinded her. As she squinted at the screen she saw it was a message from Harold. 

Harry-> Deb: *Heads up, Lou's on her way.* Deb sighed and rolled out of bed. She didn't want to see Lou. No that was a lie, she wanted to see Lou, but she didn't want to talk to her. She didn't want to hear Lou tell her how that other girl's lips felt, or whatever she had to say. Getting out of bed was a lot harder than she anticipated. While she wasn't hungover, her body fought her when she tried to pull herself from the sheets. 

After showering again, brushing her teeth and applying some basic makeup, she went back into her room and waited for the inevitable knock at the door. She put on her old college t-shirt, a pair of sweats from her high school and pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She didn't care how she looked because if Lou really loved her, it wouldn't matter. She should still be tempting in this slob of an outfit. 

She hated feeling this way. She had never doubted herself like this before. It was a new feeling and it ate at her core. Her stomach twisted in knots and her body trembled. She had no idea why Lou would cheat on her other than her looks. She knew Lou needed the challenge mentally and no one could keep up with Lou like her. She had recently let herself slip a bit. She had been eating a bit more, but she didn't think she was that unattractive. 


Lou woke up at the crack of dawn and began to pack. She wasn't going to leave that house without Deb, and she'd stay in the doghouse until she came home. She grabbed a few of Deb's books and a few articles she had gotten from Nine Ball about Terry. If Deb wasn't going to talk about what happened that night, she knew Deb wasn't going to be able to resist talking about Terry. 

She peeked into Constance's room where Tess and DJ were staying. She honestly thought about asking Tess if she could steal DJ for the day. But that would mean she'd have to come get him or that Lou would have to bring him back if it took longer than a day to convince Deb. She closed the door and made her way downstairs. She found Rusty and Harold talking at the kitchen table. 

"Ello sis," Harry whispered. 

"She won't wake up, I promise," Lou said as she looked at Constance. Harry nodded and smiled. 

"Going out?" Rusty asked. 

"Yeah, I kind of have a fiancee to try and win back," Lou whispered. 

"Good luck," Rusty nodded. She smiled at him softly and then sat down next to her brother. She laid her head on his shoulder which he responded by kissing the top of her head. 

"I love you sis," Harry whispered. Lou smiled and kissed her brother's shoulder. Harry was her rock when everything came falling down. Tammy was also that, but Tammy also offered advice and told her to cut her shit out. Harry mainly just listened and was a shoulder to cry on. He kept most of his opinions to himself because Lou didn't listen to him anyway. But also, he knew he didn't have much advice to offer. He had never been in a serious relationship. While most found that hard to believe due to the fact that he was so charming and attractive, it was true. He stayed to himself and always followed in the shadow of his sister. Even when Lou left for America all those years ago, he still kept to himself and only dated casually. Though Amita changed all that. She brought out his silly side, his sarcastic side, and everything only Lou and Deb had really ever seen. 

"Well I should get going then, can't keep putting this off," Lou said softly. Harry and Rusty nodded and they watched her grab her helmet and head off into the garage. 

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