Plan L

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Lou covered herself up with the sheet as she heard Rusty's voice.

"Oh, don't worry, we didn't do anything," Rusty said as he gathered his clothes. "I slept on the couch downstairs. This girl named Tammy helped you take your clothes off. I promise I didn't look."

"How did we get here?" Lou said still very confused.

"You must've been really drunk, I don't think I've ever seen you black out," Rusty said and sat down on the bed beside her. "You and Deb started drinking once the football game was over. You bet the Cowboy's would win and she bet the Giants would win. Whenever the opposing team scored, you took a shot.

Lou closed her eyes and slowly she started remembering bits and pieces of that night.


"Hey Lou," Debbie said. She didn't move from her position in the recliner nor did she even turn to face the blonde as she called her name out.

"Hmm yes?" the blonde said half asleep.

"Wanna bet?" the brunette. While Lou wasn't much of an actual gambler herself, she could never turn down a challenge against the mighty Ocean.

"Sure, what we betting on?" the blonde said as she sat up on the couch.

"The game," Debbie said as she pointed at the TV. The New York Giants were the Ocean's team. Their father took them to at least one game a year when they were younger. Lou even went a few times back when they were teens.

"Alright, sure. I suppose you have the Giants winning? So.. I guess I'll take the Cowboys," Lou said as she examined the TV.

"Wise choice Miller. Also, whenever the opposing team scores, we have to take a shot," Debbie said. She turned the recliner around and looked at the blonde. She wanted to study her face and read her reaction to the bet to better gauge where they stood.

"Sure, I'll get the glasses and the alcohol," Lou said. She looked at Debbie and studied her face too. She couldn't quite tell what this bet was about other than football. Lou walked over to the kitchen and pulled out their old shot glasses from their trip to Vegas and a bottle of vodka. She set them on the coffee table and poured each glass full. They both took a shot at kickoff and continued throughout the night whenever someone scored.

By the time the Giants had scored 3 touchdowns, Lou was already feeling it. She also felt more courageous and decided to ask what the stakes where when someone lost.

"So, what happens if Ms. Deborah Ocean wins?" Lou said loudly. Deb looked over at the blonde who was clearly struggling. It was odd that Lou was already feeling the effects after only 3 shots. She was usually the heavyweight in the group. But she was also running on an empty stomach and had not had any sleep for the past few days.

"Well, I think you owe me a night where I'm completely in charge," Debbie said as she bit her lip.

"Hmm interesting request but I'll buy it. And if I win, you gotta come home," Lou said as she reached over and booped Deb on the nose. Deb brushed Lou's hand away softly and they continued to watch the game.


Lou opened her eyes to find Rusty still there but this time fully clothed. He was looking around their room and eyeing the pictures on the wall.

"So I'm guessing I lost?" Lou said as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Oh yeah, big time," Rusty said. He looked through the women's dresser and went through a few drawers. He knew how Deb kept her clothes so he knew which ones he could look in and which ones he should avoid.

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