Christmas Eve Part 1

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It was Christmas Eve and the holiday spirit swept through the house like the smell of all the sugar cookies that were baking nonstop. 

Daphne, Amita, Nine, Daphne, and the kids were on decorating duty. They spent most of the morning baking and then the afternoon creating cookies. They made a few batches for each of the kid's classes, a few for themselves, a batch for Santa, and a few for their church and community back at their old house. Despite losing contact with their father, Tammy wanted them to be as involved in their old community as much as possible until they left. She explained to them what was happening and why they were going. They didn't seem too upset by this new development, to be honest, they were extremely excited to be moving. Though the question of their father came up every once and a while. Derek was having the hardest time. Tammy did her best to explain what happened. 

"Where's Daddy, Mommy?" Derek asked while making decorating some gingerbread men. 

"He's at our old house darling," Tammy said softly. 

"Why isn't he here?" Derek asked. 

"Well baby boy, Mommy, and Daddy used to be very in love. But one day, Daddy made a very big mistake. And while I always say that we should try and forgive people who make mistakes, this one Mommy couldn't forgive Daddy for. It was too big and too hurtful," Tammy calmly explained. 

"Why did Daddy hurt you, Mommy?" Keri puzzled. 

"I don't know hunny, I guess Daddy just wasn't in love with me anymore and instead of telling me, he decided to show it. Actions can hurt more than words sometimes," Tammy whispered. She really didn't want to be having this conversation in front of Daphne or Amita but they understood and kept to themselves by entertaining Lucas. 

"So is Leslie going to be our new Daddy?" Keri asked excitedly. 

"Oh umm..." Tammy paused. She really had no answer to this. I mean, they were an item but they still hadn't put a label on it. While they called Leslie mom every once and a while, it was mostly harmless. They sometimes let it slip with the other women too. 

"Kinda, but not really. I'll be like a bonus mom. I'll always be here for you. I will always be in your corner rooting and cheering for you. I love you 3 like you are my own children and I love your Mommy like your Daddy once did. I want to be a part of your lives forever if you'll let me. I would like to explore the option of bringing another sibling to you, Keri and Lucas. I really want to grow old and wrinkly with your Mommy. And during all of that time, I promise I won't ever hurt your mommy," Nine replied. She smiled down at the kids and kissed the top of Keri's head. Tammy looked at Nine with such admiration. She really wasn't sure if Leslie was up for helping her raise the children like they were her own but this confirmed it. 

"Oh okay!" Derek smiled. The rest of the afternoon was quiet. Tammy took the kids to their grandparent's house to visit with them and their father. He was due to drop them off later that evening. 

Amita and Daphne offered to clean up the kitchen, so Tammy and Nine had a chance to escape into their room. Tammy got undressed and prepared a bubble bath. She was exhausted from being super mom. She had wrapped so many presents not only for her children but for the other women as well. She apparently was the master wrapper of gifts and ended up doing most of the wrapping. Though Nine made sure she didn't wrap any of her own gifts by mistake. She sank into the bubbles and let out a sigh. Nine came into the bathroom and tilted her head as if she were to ask if she could join. Tammy nodded and Nine slipped in once her clothes were off. She sat at the far end and Tammy slipped in between her legs and laid her back against Nine's chest. The bubbles settled around them and the scent of lavender filled the room. There was a long moment of silence, not an awkward one, but a calm one. One that needed to be left alone to just absorb the smells, take a deep breath and relish in the overwhelming feeling of togetherness. 

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