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Debbie was still too embarrassed to look any of her entourage in the face. She couldn't believe had done that, let alone been caught doing that. Lou just held her close and swayed with her to the rhythm of the music. Every once and a while Deb would look up into her lover's eyes and Lou would simply smile back.  

"It's almost midnight!" Constance yelled. The rest of the ladies looked up at the clock and it was already 11:45 pm.

"I'm going to get us all drinks! Meet at the V.I.P Booth" Lou yelled. The group nodded. Lou took Deb's hand as she lead her through the crowd. The bar was crowded but everyone moved out of the way for Lou. The bartender grabbed the bottle of Laurent-Perrier champagne that had been sitting in the back on ice for the last few hours and 10 glasses. Deb grabbed the glasses while Lou took the bottle. She hid the name on it from Deb as she wanted to surprise her. They carefully made their way back to the group. Deb set the glasses down on their small table and Lou put the bottle back on ice. 

"Come on, let's go back and steal a few more dances before midnight!" Amita yelled over the music. The group agreed and made their way back to the dance floor. They were toward the front where they could see Steve Aoki but far enough away so that they could hear each other without screaming too loud. The party was crowded enough, but not too packed where it was uncomfortable. Celebrities would fade in and out of their dance circle and every once and a while a fan could be heard banging on the side of the building. 

Amita and Harry danced the night away as if no one was watching, which included Lou. Harry's hands were all over Amita's dress and were always ready to push someone else off if they got to close. Their eyes had been locked on each other all night and their lips had come close to crashing once or twice. The obvious attraction toward each other could be felt by everyone around them. It made everyone else want to snuggle a little closer to their loved one just so they could compete with how cute they were together. 

Amita hadn't felt this way in a long time. She honestly didn't know if she had ever felt this way for someone. All throughout her middle school and high school years she wasn't interested in anyone. All her friends would talk about guys and she had no interest in them. She thought she was a lesbian for a while there, but she didn't find any girls that attractive either. She didn't quite understand it. She found people attractive like she appreciated that they took care of their bodies and that they had nice cheekbones or nice abs but she didn't feel anything romantic or sexual toward them. The only thing she could compare this feeling to that she had with Harry was her best friend, Ari. They had a deep emotional connection which linked them together. While she never truly had any sexual feelings for him but she could see herself settling down with him, maybe having a child or two to please his family and hers. But with Harry, nothing was forced. She felt lust for him in a way she had never before and she felt a deep connection. They had spent the last week unraveling each other's lives. 

Rose and Daphne joined the happy couple and began to dance as if there wasn't a care in the world. It helped that Rose was pretty drunk and her anxiety stayed away when alcohol flowed through her bloodstream.  She used to drown her failures in alcohol, but now it gave her a new power which she didn't abuse. Now it was like liquid courage whenever it entered her system. It never used to affect her like this, but Daphne changed everything.  After the romantic gesture, she had given Daphne, their relationship had stayed surprisingly the same. She suspected that Daphne would go on this baby craze or she'd run wild with wedding ideas, but she hadn't. She had left it alone and only talked about it whenever Rose had mentioned it first. Rose felt remarkably calm after the whole thing unfolded. She felt that it was right and that she was making the right decision. She wasn't going to be alone in this process, she had the love of her life and 6 of the best people surrounding her to help when her inner demons decided to try and take a hold of her. 

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