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Someone called the tanned skin boy from behind but he ignore him, it must be Haruto who used to come inside his room almost every single day.

"Woo woo why aren't you answering?"

Haruto who just finish taking shower a while ago try to approach the small guy, but Jeongwoo seem to occupied with his thought and eventually ignore his friend whole existence there making Haruto to pout.

Jeongwoo currently standing in front of his desk biting his nails.

Haruto smirked knowing what to do with spacing out Jeongwoo so he come up with naughty idea "I guess this is it."

The Japanese slowly wrap his hands around Jeongwoo's slim waist obviously back hugging him but to Haruto surprise his friend didn't even move an inch or slap his hand away like he used to. Instead Jeongwoo turn around to face Haruto, smiling and that's rare of him. Seriously is he even Park Jeongwoo? No but he always plastered his annoying expression whenever they got closer to each other.

The shocked Haruto exhales some fresh air before muttered "what were you thinking, dude? You look ugly do you know that?" Pulling the Korean closer by his waist.

"I was just being thoughtful about my future especially about that thing called marriage." The wolf-like boy stated and it made Haruto let out soft laughter.

"I didn't know you're so into married life, Jeongwoo." The taller guy take a chance to pull his friend's body way closer against him, admiring his black sparkling eyes.

"Says Ruto who do you want to be with? Your girlfriend? Or maybe your unforgettable ex?" The Korean stare back at him and this time he look kinda serious while asking those, aware of what would Haruto reply him since his friend could be a straightforward person sometimes.

"I won't tell you that, woo and will keep it as secret forever." Runs his finger up to Jeongwoo's ear caressing it softly as he look into the Korean's pleading eyes down to his lips.

"Okay then keep it to yourself, I wonder what does friends even means for?" Jeongwoo rolled his eyes, finally the real Park Jeongwoo is back.

"Is my baby upset now?" The taller one playfully ruffles his hair before laid his gaze down to Jeongwoo's lips once again "don't tell me you're mad at such small matters, woo." Haruto is now biting his tasteless lips while stare at the cherry lips of Jeongwoo.

"Who'd says that huh? No one did!" It irritate him when his own friend can simply come to his decision without asking what he truly feels inside.

"So you're completely mad now?" In a blink of an eye, Haruto let his left hand grabbing the tan skinned boy's face gently then slowly lean in and kiss the younger by his lips "hope this will ease your anger woo" He whispers with his deep voice making Jeongwoo shivers due to Haruto's warm breath that eventually hit the tip of his nose.

"W-what the fuck are you doing Watanabe Haruto?!" His small hand pushing the Japanese away from him.

"Kissing you obviously, what else?" He laugh with no fun.

"You can't just kiss me like that, I'm seriously wanted to kill you right now!" He throw his fist on Haruto's gorgeous face but he stop in the middle when the Japanese calmly grabs his fist and softly plant a kiss on it, looking right through his eyes.

"We're friends and friends won't hurt each other remember?" Guiding his lips up to Jeongwoo's temple give a soft peck against it while saying something that Jeongwoo never expect him to said it "I'm going to marry you someday until then don't be suprise, bestie."

"W-what the f-fuck? Go to hell!" He shouted but Haruto stopped him by stealing a light kiss on his lips again "I don't wanna leave yet unless we're get that married couple label."

"Haru could you stop---"

"Yah, okay I stop here your reaction is so freaking funny, dude. You can see yourself in the mirror that there's no way we can be together or I'll get killed by my lovely girlfriend." The Japanese distance himself, holding back his laughter which he eventually let it out even louder.

Jeongwoo remained silence, he himself can't figure out if ever he get hurt or not but one thing for sure he can't bear watching how Haruto could simply laugh it off.

"You know how much I love her right? She's the only one for me and hell yes I'm dying to be with her forever, having kids with her is my dream argh I guess I need to stop right here." Haruto awkwardly chuckles as redness start creeping out up to his face.

"I know it, you would say so." Out of nowhere tears start filling up his tired eyes.

"Of course you do, don't forget to pray for our happiness woo. Good night, dude~" He exclaimed bid a goodbye to his friend, excitedly leaving out of the room.

"Yeah anything for your happiness, fool." With tears in his eyes he weakly walk into the bathroom letting himself being embrace with cold water.

He hate himself for having such feeling towards his friend and it's not his first time experience something like this, just imagine how many times did Haruto confess about his lovely girlfriend; even sometimes crying like a fool whenever they have argument telling how it hurts seeing his girlfriend getting mad at him over small things and the most hurtful thing was when Haruto get excited by his girlfriend's simple text.

Well Jeongwoo don't have any right to be mad of.

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