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It was another day where Haruto try to win the younger's heart but without him knowing Jeongwoo already plan something.

"Woo baby~"He grabs Jeongwoo's waist and give him puppy eyes.

Jeongwoo didn't say anything but to just stare at the gorgeous looking Haruto. As for him, it's better pull more pranks for his best friend who act clueless, he'll keep this act until Haruto had enough and confess his love instead.

They are currently resting in his room after got back from school, literally drowsy attend all of these boring yet important classes. But they can't change the fact that being a student studies must comes first before anything else. Brushing his hair backward while scrolling down to his phone, pretend on read something important that he accidently ignore his dear friend whose obviously seek for attention.

"Woo...you look gorgeous. Oh my look at your lips, it's...kissable." Haruto compliment.

The mentioned guy didn't even stare nor talk to the poor Haruto.

"Won't you talk to me? I'm bored as hell here." Haruto lays on his stomach.

"Someone please take me, Jeongwoo don't wanna me anymore." The Japanese is now rolled over in the Korean's bed.

"Seriously woo?"

"Yah woo!"

"You look ugly."

"Hey, hey look at my face." Haruto pointed out to his face as he making funny expression but then again got nothing but endless ignorance from Jeongwoo.

The tan skinned boy didn't mind him for almost 2 hours.

But Haruto wasn't the type who easily give up as he continuously teasing Jeongwoo, makes him laugh.

And do cute things such as mimicking Spongebob's voice then change into Patrick's voice a second later.

He started to get bored. Who wouldn't right? Sitting up before guide himself in front of the exit room but he take time to glance back towards his favourite person.

"Don't miss me too much, woo. Bye." He stated one last time and completely disappear out of Jeongwoo's sight.

"Ey, did he really just gonna leave me alone?" Jeongwoo ask himself, putting down his phone.

Not even a minute, he heard a loud voice filled up the space "I'm back, woo! Do you miss me? I was just stole Junkyu hyung's candies. Here have some."

Good thing the Korean is a good pretender as he gradually open his journel, pretending on write something on his personal book.

"Have some candy, woo." The older handing over the sweet but he got no respond which made him to pout immediately "you seriously gonna ignore me?"

Deep inside Jeongwoo badly wanted to embrace Haruto in his arms for being cute and plant kisses all over his face yet he have to keep up with the prank.

"You know what? I had a very rough day today. I'm sad. I feel bad. All I want is to be with you but here you are completely ignore me as if my existence doesn't even matter." Haruto fake cry.

But Jeongwoo keep ignoring him.

"I would do anything as long as you talk to me. Please woo. Have some mercy on your friend."

"Come on."

Haruto stop for a second, staring sadly to the Korean with pleading eyes. Touching his friend when he isn't in a mood might be inappropriate so he didn't move too much around Jeongwoo.

"Woo...talk to me once you get better." It's his last words.

Until silence comes, Jeongwoo saw the taller one in the corner of the bed humming and when he come closer towards the Japanese, it made him somehow shock seeing Haruto crying.

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