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Since both of them already agree with the boyfriends' label as a deal, they have to be a little realistic from now on "Let's go on date, Jeongwoo~" he cutely pleading, back hugging the younger who busy washing dishes.

"Hyung! What the hell---"The younger was about to bark but his eyes caught the glimpse of Haruto that currently had his gaze laid on Yoshi's arms.

The taller guy rolled his eyes before walking away.

"Hyung!" Jeongwoo scolded the older, pinch Yoshi's clingy arms.

"What? How could you do that to your own boyfriend?" Yoshi lean his back against the wall, crossing arms over his chest as he let a deep sigh in relief watching over Jeongwoo's pouting expression.

"Hyung don't be dramatic please." Jeongwoo continue his work while saying that.

"Why not? Did I perhaps make my baby blushing?" He smirked before  playfully ruffles the Korean's black hair.

The younger couldn't believe himself on how clingy Yoshi could be not until today, everything about this guy is totally different. It might because of the 'date thing', turned Yoshi completely into clingy type of boyfriend. "I shouldn't give him such chance next time." He whispers but the Japanese happen to hear his lines.

"I'll make you fall for me more, Park Jeongwoo. I'm attractive too, caring as prince, sweet as candy and most noticeable is handsome as hell." The older one mindlessly describe himself but yeah he's stating the truth anyway.

"Yeah, yeah good luck." It's not like he lost interest with this gorgeous looking Japanese but he can't ignore the fact that his heart can only be own by Watanabe Haruto.

"Let's go on date."


"That's not a question, Jeongwoo. Be prepare I will drag you on a date later. Until then bye." Yoshi winked, stepping out of the kitchen. Forcing Jeongwoo might be the only option and who knew they probably gonna be officially couple in the future.

As it being planned, Yoshi take Jeongwoo on a date by driving his car. Though he wasn't excited with the date but Jeongwoo end up wearing adorable outfit and black beret on top.

Turned on slow relaxing music while driving somehow give Yoshi peaceful mind since he'd always get nervous being this close with Jeongwoo, not to mention about his heart that had been beating faster than before. Speaking of his outfit, Yoshi decide to just wear his casual shirt with a navy jacket but to his surprise the Korean dressing himself more attractive than he could imagine. One more thing that caught Yoshi's attention was the beret, well he never get a chance to see a Park Jeongwoo with beret and this is absolutely his favourite moment. With racing heart, the Japanese speak up "I love your outfit, it suits so well with you." Then went back to focus his eyes on the road.

"Thanks." Jeongwoo simply replied.

Dying to see the Korean's reaction as Yoshi slowly turn to his side staring lovingly towards the emotionless Korean without noticed he almost hit another car in front of them. It happen way too quick that Yoshi eventually press the break button harder in which made Jeongwoo shocked by the sudden action but he calmed down once he felt a hand protect his head from bumping into anything, he glance at the flustered Japanese "what are---"

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt? I'm so sorry baby, I wasn't in my right state of mind just now. How stupid I am." He worriedly checking up all parts of Jeongwoo face just after he manage to made a stop at the road side. "I'm sorry for involve you into this kind of trouble on our first date. I'm truly sorry." He said looking down at his feet regretting for doing mistake that will only lead this important date into disaster.

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