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After a week had passed, Haruto finally get a chance to hang out with Jeongwoo and so he plan to just chilling out with his favourite person by playing games at his room.

They were playing like crazy; shouting, hitting each other even jumping out of happiness whenever they got passed the hardest level.

After playing for 30 minutes, he sense that Jeongwoo keep yawning but it didn't stop him from continue break a leg for the game. At first, Haruto thought it might be okay stay up late by playing game because it's saturday night which means they don't have to go school tomorrow.

But being concern as he was, Haruto gently tap Jeongwoo by shoulder asking if he's tired but no, Jeongwoo were completely got freshen up probably pretending since he's a good pretender. Not until Haruto feel silent next to him and the moment he turn to his side, Jeongwoo's sleeping figure greet his eyes with phone still stuck in his hands.

"Woo..."He shake him by the shoulder only to receive a groan from the latter.

"Jeongwoo-yah..."He called for the second time but got no respond at all.

"Baby...my boo..."Haruto whispers through his ear making Jeongwoo hit the Japanese's head with closed eyes, not fully awake to be honest.

Without any warn, Haruto lean closer towards the Korean by plant a kiss on the half open mouth of Jeongwoo, working like magic the latter total awake with shocked face.

"It's bed time~" Pretends like nothing happen, Haruto teasingly muttered.

"No!" Jeongwoo glare at his friend before take one of pillow and merely put it against his face.

Angry muffled can be heard from the younger who had his face buried down over pillow muttering inaudible words making it hard for Haruto to get clear hearing.

"Awww...yeah bed time it's tough." The taller guy nod in agreement "but still you need to sleep by now, look how tired you are."

"No means no!" The Korean shout out loud before once again buried his face in the pillow.

"Kisses or sleep?" Haruto asked, turn off the games.

"Can I choose the third one?"

"No, there's only two options."

"I can't sleep." Jeongwoo make excuses, pouting.

He missed his friend's presence for these past days since they barely spent quality time together and it's all because of Yoshi. The puzzling thing was did  Jeongwoo miss him too? He guess the answer must be a no and he can tell that from the way how the younger act around his boyfriend that he eventually forgot to even text simple message or call prank him like Jeongwoo always did before.

"Haru, should I sleep together with you? Or should I go back to my room if it's uncomfortable for you?" He asked, unsure.

"Woo..." He stare at his friend's eyes for a while before proceed to capture those pinky lips of Jeongwoo. In quick action, Haruto end up guiding their body together in his bed without breaking the kiss but he kinda feel anxious the moment of realization that the Korean didn't kiss him back.

Yet his lips doesn't have any thought of leaving the soft lips of Jeongwoo as it being pressed even deeper. Trapping the younger between his hands so that he won't move an inch, with that it will make things so much easier.

"Haru, do friends share a kiss?" The younger pulled out, looking at his eyes.

Their eyes locked together.

But before Haruto could even respond at the question, his phone ringing out loud. Once he got back to his sense, the taller guy lightly grab his phone back and see who's the caller, it was Jieun his girlfriend.

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