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Cooking never been Jeongwoo thing ever since he once get injured because of knife and of course a big amount of blood comes after, he got traumatized after that.

But today his hyungs who just come back after tiring extra classes told him to make them whatever eatable food is and he can't resist that since they kinda drowsy also don't have any energy left to even move an inch.

"Maybe I just need some help from Haruto nor Junghwan." He talk to himself before taking a big step right through his friend's room.

"Ruto-yah you really need to help me, hurry up!" The Korean throw himself on top of Haruto hovering over the Japanese's well-built chest "please" He trying to be cute as he can.

"What's the matter, bestie?" The latter asked looking at the clingy hand of Jeongwoo that had been rubbing his chest over his shirt.

"Can you cook?" He instantly sit up, resting his fluffy cheeks on his palm.

"A little bit--- wait my girlfriend texting me."He fished out his phone, sweetly smile over the simple text "awh that's cute of you Jieunie~"

Muttering the Iloveyous in tiny thousand times.


There's no respond at all.

He didn't want to disturb Haruto's good times so he left making his way to Jungwhan's room but saw nothing than a bunch of books on the younger's well decorated bed. Maybe hwanie get out to do some research at library. He thought.

Guilty that's what he could think of right at the particular moment, no one would be there to help him; what if he accidently cut his finger out? Wasn't it dangerous cooking all alone?

Without a second thought, the tan skinned boy prepare ingredients according to YouTube's cooking meals "Okay this is an onion, salt, what else?"

Brought his eyes to his phone copying every steps carefully that he clumsily drop the onion, just when he was about to pick it up there's a hand stopping him "do you need some help, woo?" It was Yoshi.

"No, it's okay hyung. You must be tired please take some rest." He assure the older that he's going to be alright doing all of these by himself.

"What if your finger get bleeding again? Will you be able to face that?" Yoshi rapidly picked the onion as he start peeling it and cut them in a piece.


"Let me just help, woo." The Japanese smile.

"But hyung, I can do this all alone. Trust me." Being naughty as he was the Korean take the knife with him, pretend on cutting them like a pro.

"Park Jeongwoo!" It was Jeongwoo first time hearing Yoshi who known as the soft yet calmest and barely get mad shouting his name at the top of his lungs "don't be stubborn can you?!" He was about to snap back the knife but Jeongwoo pulled it away from Yoshi in which the tan skinned boy accidentally cut his finger.

"Auch" He groan in pain resulting the older to hurriedly take his injure finger with him, out of worried Yoshi start sucking off the blood.

"Hyung what are even thinking of?" Jeongwoo widened his eyes in disbelief.

Instead of responding, Yoshi embrace Jeongwoo in his arms sighed hardly, they're close enough to each other that Jeongwoo barely feel the older's heart beating fast "stop making me worry Jeongwoo, I'm scared to death please" he said snuggle more against the younger's neck.

Unexpectedly, Haruto whose decide to help along happen to see all of these scene...

"woo I---"Haruto called out but his steps died the moment he notice the younger being hugged by Yoshi.

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