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That one peaceful night, Yoshi texted Jeongwoo to come over telling that he need to discuss something important with the younger.

"Haru, will you be able to solve them by yourself?" He asked for the second time and Haruto just nod his head.

"Are you sure, dude?" Jeongwoo went to ruffle the Japanese's black fluffy hair.

He got no reply.

Silence means yes, isn't it? That's what Jeongwoo could think of and finally decide to leave out of the room walking happily towards the certain room without knowing that Haruto was kinda pissed off about him.

Once he reach in front of Yoshi's well decorated room, he knock few times but there's no respond at all so he end up waiting for a minute in case the older is taking shower or doing some important business.

After long of wait, clicked sound from inside could be heard revealing a handsome Kanemoto Yoshinori with a black suit along new styled hair flipped backward "did I perhaps make you wait that long, Mr. Park Jeongwoo?"

The Korean made a confuse look before praising how stunning his hyung are "wow you look gorgeous, Yoshi hyung. Going somewhere?"

"No, I got a date with my favourite person." He smiled "would you like to come inside?" The Japanese take out his hand and gently held Jeongwoo's hand to come inside.

"Right I would love to do so." The younger smile back, looking around the new surrounding of his hyung's room which filled with neon lights, roses placed on a small vase, slow music played on and he observe the last thing but not least; two glasses of wine with a small box between them. "I've seen this on movie where the guy would purpose his girl to marry him."

"You know that well, Jeongwoo but you never notice my feeling towards you." Yoshi chuckles "I gave you so many hints but none of them bother you. How come?"

"What are you talking about, hyung? I can't understand a thing."

"See? You're too stupid and clueless." Yoshi shook his head, find it cute whenever Jeongwoo play dumb when it comes to these kind of thing.

"Stupid? I'm not. Let's see who get the most higher score among my classmates not to mention about---" The Korean was about to against his hyung's statement but Yoshi shut him up by saying "okay, you're smart enough. Have a sit, Mr and Mrs. Park's son."

With a pout plastered on his face, Jeongwoo take a seat hovering his eyes all around probably can't get enough by just looking all of these aesthetic decorations for once.

"Jeongwoo..." The older take Jeongwoo's left hand with him, staring at it for second before softly sliding his fingers one by one towards at it which obviously clasped it together "look it fits together so well, right?" he said smiling "I wish I could fit in any possible space in the heart of yours either."


Pulling the younger's hand a bit closer as he slightly leave a kiss on it while muttering clear lines "I love you" His face tells everything how much he want to make it work at least once with the younger, I mean build special relationships with Jeongwoo "I've always admire you ever since you've moved here but as the time passed by I start to get attracted with your charm, unknowingly my feelings growth little by little until one day I tried to figure it out deeply and eventually come out with an obvious answer that I was dangerously fallen for you."

On the other hand, Jeongwoo got his tongue twist couldn't even utter a single word, no wonder the Japanese always took the best care of him and he thought maybe it was just brotherly love back then.

"Won't you like me back?" Yoshi asked, still hold unto Jeongwoo's shivering hand due to nervous not because he felt the same way but he doesn't know how to respond, guilty start eating him up as he mindlessly thought 'what if he get hurt if I'm being honest? Wouldn't it the best way for me to just pretend liking him? How would he react after hearing my answer? Honestly is he prank me or something?'

"You don't have to answer right now, take your time---" Though he desperate getting an answer but he respect the other's decision plus he doesn't want Jeongwoo feel somehow pressure.

"Date me for a week and let's see if we could make it work then I would surely give you a proper answer, hyung." The Korean stated with closed eyes, afraid of meeting his hyung's intense stare.

"Thanks" Yoshi commented, getting up from his seat gradually walk to his favourite direction "for giving me a chance..." he continued making Jeongwoo instantly blush on that.

"You deserve it, h-hyung." He stuttering when Yoshi lean in, closer than before.

"Maybe we should called each other more casually?" He creep out weird smile "how about calling me Yoshi without that hyung label?"


"Why not?"

"I used to it and it will be super awkward addressing you informally." Jeongwoo reasoned out, looking away.

"What do you think about honey? Baby? Love? Which one is better?" The Japanese leaning even closer making Jeongwoo gasp by his action.

"No, hyung!" He shouted out of shyness, hide his reddened face between his hands.

"Fine, it's up to you woo baby."

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