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Haruto can't help but to feel extremely jealous whenever he saw Jeongwoo with his boyfriend being all sweet whether in public nor at dorm.

"Woo look at me~am I cute enough wearing your hoddie?" Yoshi who'd just come downstairs asked, spinning around just to give Jeongwoo a better angle to comment anything about how he look.

"I wonder whose boyfriend is this?" Jeongwoo went for a bear hug as Yoshi gladly embracr him in arms.

"I'm yours remember." The older cheekily respond, kissing all over the latter's face that made Jeongwoo chuckles since it's tickling him so much.

"Seriously guys? Not in front of me." Jihoon interrupt, shook his head in disbelief.

"Shut up Jihoonie, you're just jealous." Hyunsuk sit beside him switching on the television while search for random shows that fit into his interest.

"How dare my honey betray me? Jeongwoo-yah don't you know I'n hurt?" Junkyu on the other side complained.

"Better shut your mouth up Kim Junkyu and let's go doing for some research." The muscular male swing his arms around Junkyu and then they keep on bickering as the other were insisted to go cause he tried as hell while the other one used all of his excuses to force his friend to go since the deadline is around the corner.

"Jeongwoo you asshole, stop flirting and help me with these." Haruto blurred out, countless knocked the table in order to irritated Jeongwoo more since he doesn't seem to give a single care.

"Do you even hear me, dumbass?" The Japanese tap the table hardly, making a big scene as he sense Yoshi grin over Jeongwoo's lovely expression.

"Okay, give me a minute. I need to talk with Yoshi hyung. Promise to come back in real quick." The Korean wink before take his leave with Yoshi who had smiley face for the whole time.

With shut door behind them, Jeongwoo inhale some air before exhale it in hard way gaining Yoshi's attention as he eyeing the younger for the second time.

"Are we playing the Romeo and Juliet's love story?" The older pushed the latter against the wall "what do you take me for? Stop playing with my heart, I'm not strong as you."

Well they haven't talk person in person about Jeongwoo's weird act last night.

"Jeongwoo-yah" He called out.

"Hyung, please help me out. Be my fake boyfriend then I'll help you move on from me because I know a way to made me completely disappear out of your head." Said Jeongwoo, pleading with puppy's eyes.

Too adorable to resist as Yoshi nod in defeat.

"Good thing I love you." He manage to utter in their last discussion.

For sure it will hurt him in the end but anything for Jeongwoo would be his priority.

But before Jeongwoo could even twist the knob, a light grip made his step died down after being turned around by Yoshi, soft gaze  greet his sparkling eyes.

"What for Jeongwoo? For whom? Is it for your crush?" The Japanese asked watching over the flustered Korean.

"I want to make Haruto jealous of me too." He hesitate.


"Isn't fair that I was the only who felt jealous, I-I mean he keep showing off his girlfriend to me and it hurts me everytime." Jeongwoo tried to explain in order to convince Yoshi by his fake answer.

"What you are trying to say is that you like him?" Yoshi asked, sounds wasn't certain but he had feeling that the younger was in love with the younger Japanese.

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