[9] - Ending

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The unexpected confession from Haruto made the certain Korean in total shocked, he never expect it would be this fast.

As the moment he said yes.

They are now officially boyfriends.

Loving boyfriend as he was, Haruto first showering Jeongwoo thousand of kisses in the morning till night yet he never had enough. But his biggest mistake were about his fake girlfriend honestly Jieun was his cousin who live outside the country meanwhile on Jeongwoo's side, Yoshi also his fake boyfriend. Just call it even now since they both did it as a pranks. But never dig in at all not after their confession last night.

Jeongwoo might seem innocent yet pure outside but what you can't figure it out is his main behaviour, prank is like his bias already. Or you could said that he habitually pull prank to others in order to show loves.

Stick to his plan today, he would ignoring Haruto as a prank and see his reaction 24 hours.

"Hi woo~" The Japanese take the available space next to Jeongwoo at the cafeteria.

Lunch break is the only chance they got to meet each other though they're literally classmates. Giving soft massage on the thigh of his boyfriend whose happily take a bite on the burger.

"Cutie, what are you eating?" Haruto secretly snake his hand around the slim waist, rubs in most gentle way.

The Korean is now get into an act by completely ignore his boyfriend's question, bit by bit finishing the well decorated burger before brought his drink with him walking out from there.

"Wait for me, love." Catching up the latter's step while mouthed those lines.

Flash a smirk by fasten his pace until he reach at the last corner of school with nobody around, thinking of teasing his clingy boyfriend a bit.

He stop at there leaning against the wall, waiting for Haruto to come over.

"There you are, woo. Were you waiting for me?" Haruto observe the quite surrounding before show a grin, bend over to look more closely into the loved person who only keep his poker face.

"What about a kiss? Can I get it now hm?" Pinned both of his hands between the Korean, stare lovingly at Jeongwoo.

He badly want to leave thousand of kisses all over Haruto's face but he have to hold back for the sake of prank.

Wraps his hands around the Japanese's neck and tiptoed a little because of their heights difference. Travel his lips over the soft neck leave hot breath against it and it made Haruto shiver, no wonder the innocent younger completely gone once it get a chance.

Blows soft wind on the sharp chin of Haruto before plant a kiss on it which is quite pleasuring as the kissed Japanese boy let out soft whimpers, up to the well-known jaw lines that Jeongwoo placed wet kisses against it, the sound of the kiss make Haruto escape a little noise there. Too good to be said that it's already drive Haruto crazy. Those addicting plump lips is soft than whipping cream that Haruto badly want to claim it but offering rare of chance might his favourite gift to his Korean's boyfriend.

"Baby..."Mentioning the endearment given as he cups both of the fluffy cheeks of Jeongwoo "I love you"

But the Korean only shows his sweet smile as a respond.

Bell ring out signalling them it's for their next class.

"Kiss me" Pulling the much shorter guy by the waist closer until their nose touched "baby kiss me please"

Barely hold back himself but the moment where he got back to his sense again, Jeongwoo pushed his boyfriend aside and walk away left the guy literally in cruel way.

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