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"Actually there's something I want to have." Jeongwoo hesitate at first but after Yoshi signalling him to get in act since Haruto is watching from not-so distance.

"What I want is..." He goes near to the Japanese's ear, whispering clear things "you."

As it being planned, Haruto happen to hear those words.

"Did your heart pound?" The Korean genuinely smiled.

"Yes, it feels like my heart was about to explode out of chest." Yoshi make their temple touched and cutely rubs his nose on the tip of Jeongwoo's nose.

"Cutie." Haruto whose enjoying those moments commented but deep inside he feel otherwise.

"Shall we go on date baby boo?" The older Japanese suggest.

"I hope so but I got so many homeworks to do, that old nerdy man won't let us breath not even a second. I think I can't today, hyung." Jeongwoo pouted.

"Aw, homework can wait but I can't. Promise to help you doing homework after date. Please say yes, boo." He pleaded, squeezing the fluffy cheeks of Jeongwoo.

"Promise."Taking out his pinky finger then offer at the older.

"Anything for my baby boo." Instead of sealing the promise, Yoshi went to kiss the pinky gently.

Yeah sure it made Jeongwoo widened his eyes and on the other hand the younger Japanese clenched his teeth in irritated. He run of idea on how to act cool as he blushes messily in which make Haruto look at him in confused. 'It just a simple affection yet he smile out of shyness, what a fool' Haruto thought.

As it being said, the lovers spend their best time by go on date, leaving Haruto in miserable mind. Watching sunset at that one park which filled with happy running kids, let themselves give a taste to the strawberry and vanilla ice creams. Yoshi glance over the guy next to him that had been stay quite while enjoying eat the pink cream. The more he stare at him the more his love grow towards the Korean.

"Jeongwoo..."He blurred out catching the latter's quick attention, before adding "you can tell me the truth now. I'll listen to anything you are about to let it out."

"What do you mean, hyung?"

"Your feeling? Tell me about it."

"Huh?" Jeongwoo went to scratch his nape, play dumb.

"I figure out that you're not trying to make Haruto jealous but instead in my point of view, you pull a prank at him. Am I right?" He guessed, kinda feel awful for forcing the younger but it's for Jeongwoo own good after all.

"Yes, you right. I wanna pull prank on him so that he will confess his love to me. Honestly I kinda got the feeling that he felt the same way as I am." The much younger guy finally nerve himself to speak the truth, there's no need to hide anything anymore.

"So I was right. Your crush is Haruto? Ah I get it now." Yoshi stated, looking down to the ground.

"Yeah my own best friend."

They remained silence after a while, trying to find suitable topic to talk with cause the other were heart breaking and another one were felt guilty or rather bad for not telling the truth beforehead.

"The sunset is beautiful, aren't they?" Yoshi ask out of blue.

Yes, why wouldn't they?" Jeongwoo replied.

"Can I perhaps get my last hug?" He requested.

Jeongwoo respond by embrace thr older in his arms as Yoshi snuggle more over the Korean's neck, breathing in his loved scent. Loving someone tend to get people feel the pain and happiness at the same time but in Yoshi's position, he felt more pain than happiness, aching heart makes him losing his right state of mind.

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