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Author's Note: In case readers didn't read the author note in the previous note, I'll put it here again. This story WOULD NOT FOLLOW CANON or in another words FUCK CANON! Anyway continue with the story...

Malfoy Manor...

The hallway is large, dimly lit, and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificent carpet covering the stone floor. The walls of the entrance hall display pale-faced lining the walls, and at the end of the hall is the bronze-handled door to the drawing-room. And the sound of heels running can be heard clearly from the silent corridor. A blonde-haired woman in her early forties can be seen running along the hallway.

The usually calm woman, who frequently displayed a haughty and disdainful attitude, didn't care about the shouting of her family portraits looking and talking about her. She didn't expect her house-elf to come to her while she was enjoying tea in the garden, informing her that the Dark Lord himself was waiting in her husband's study room.

Once she arrived in front of the study room, she took some time to calm herself and tidy herself up before knocking on the door. A soft come in can be heard from inside.

"My lord, I apologize for making you wait." the blonde hair woman said as she approached the standing man near the window.

"Ah, my dear Narcissa, the sister of my most loyal Death Eater. It's me who was supposed to apologize for intruding at your home." said the man as he took a seat on the provided sofa in the study room.

As soon as those words left the man's mouth, Narcissa looked gobsmacked. Years of etiquette training meant that she managed to control herself better. She coughed before calling for her house-elf to serve them some tea. To hear those words from the dark lord himself was nerve-wracking. The man feared by many that people didn't even dare to utter his name was apologizing for intruding on her house. The silence in the study room was disturbed when the house-elf appeared with a loud pop.

"My lord, to what I owe this visit? Lucius was currently absent from home-"

"My dear, if I was looking for Lucius, I could have used the mark to summon him to me. I come here because I would like to have a few words with you about someone."

Narcissa tensed, thinking that the dark lord would do anything to her only son, Draco. She knew that her son would become a Death Eater just like his father and father before him. It was not a life that she wanted for her son, but his husband insisted that Draco become an honor to his family. She thanked Salazar that Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott came early in the morning and dragged her son out of the house to catch up.

"There's no need to be worried, my dear. I'm not here to talk about young Draco, but instead, it was your niece, Cassiopeia Black. I heard interesting things about her recently."

Narcissa was shocked that Voldemort knew about her niece. A few days ago, she received an invitation letter from her niece for a ball that would be organized a week before school started. A ball that would be collected at Grimmauld Place. It has been years since Narcissa stepped into the house after Aunt Walburga's death. The ball was to publicly announce to the British Wizarding World that the Black family had returned. Narcissa thought it was a good idea, especially after her idiotic cousin escaped Azkaban almost a year ago. She can't wait to meet her niece. She knew her niece's existence when she looked at the tapestry back at Grimmauld Place. That tapestry would self updated when a new family member was added, whether through marriage, blood adopted, or born into the family.

But right now, she was tense. She may not meet her niece personally, but she won't let her be in danger. Called it mother instinct. Even though the Malfoys, as stated by her husband, are loyal to the dark lord, her loyalty lay on her family. Cassiopeia was her niece, and that's made her family. Her hand was twitching towards her wand when a chuckle made Narcissa look at the dark lord in front of her.

"There's no need to draw the wand out, Narcissa. I won't do anything to her. After all, Cassiopeia was the family I had left. I would never harm my granddaughter."


⨳ 𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔶𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫 ⨳

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