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A/N NOTE: I'm sorry for the late update because writer's block is a bitch ̄へ ̄. Anyway, I know from book 1 that I'm being mean to our flower, Fleur>﹏< . I'm so sorry but it need to be done. This short chapter is about her interaction with Cheryl. Enjoy⁓...

The Regent Park, London, England...

"What's the meaning of this, Cassie? Celia? Alec?" When she saw another figure sitting on a bench not far from them, Cheryl asked. She didn't expect to be dragged to the muggle park early in the morning. She noticed how the trio was acting strange these past few days. Now she knows the reason, and let's say they better pray to Merlin for whatever reason they brought her here to meet with her cousin! The one person she never wants to meet.

"Look, Cheryl, my love! Fleur got something to talk to you, ok? And don't blame the twins, it's my idea" - Cassie tried to explain to Cheryl when she saw her expression. The fury behind her eyes.

"Listen to what Fleur gotta say. Please, Cheryl? Trust us!" - Celia begged her friend/sister when Cheryl tried to walk away from them.

Cheryl looked at her friends' faces before nodding reluctantly and walking toward her cousin sitting under a tree not far from them. Her cousin still looks beautiful even though all she does is seated. It must be the veela genes. She sighed, thinking this would be an opportunity for the closure she was waiting for.

Fleur's face lit up when she saw Cheryl standing in front of her. She gestured for the empty seat next to her before she started talking. She was nervous when Lady Black and Lady Edoardo replied to her letter informing her about the set-up meeting with her cousin.

"Cousin, thank you for meeting me."

"It's not like I have a choice. They dragged me here."

"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at them. It's not your friends' fault. I'm the one who sends Lady Black and Lady Edoardo letters wanting to meet your friend. They're just trying to help."

"I know. Sometimes they're too kind for others. And they're too care about me to do something that would make me upset. Plus, I have trusted them my whole life. Anyway, do you want to talk? Let's talk!"

"I- I... I'm sorry."


"Back at Hogwarts, I told how grandma misses you and Aunt Luci. I didn't know about the banishment. I only found out after overhearing father and mother talk about it after Gabrielle told them that you're part of delegations from Durmstrang."


"I know my apologies are not enough for what grandma did to you and Aunt Luci, but I still want to apologize. It doesn't matter that you're not a veela or anything; you're still you. You're Charlotte Sapphire Precht. My cousin that I always loved and adored since we were little girls."


"I... Thank you for listening to me. I think I'll go now. Take care, cousin. Gabrielle sends her regards to you. Goodbye, cousin."

Fleur was about to take another step away from the bench when a hand held her arm. She looked back and saw Cheryl with tears on her face. Cheryl gave Fleur and small smile before pulling her into a hug. Fleur was shocked before returning the hugs, and both of them cried as Cheryl whispered apologies to Fleur.

Meanwhile, the trio was also hugging Alec in the middle. Cassie smiled as she watched Cheryl finally find the closure she needed. Her family was getting bigger every day, and she felt grateful to any deities that gave her a family.

Guess she needed to write another invitation letter for the Delacour family though grandma Delacour was forbidden to come for the upcoming Black Family ball. Call her petty, but no one messed with her family and got away from it. And grandma Delacour is already on her shit list, just like her sperm donor.


⨳ 𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔶𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫 ⨳

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