CHAPTER 7(rewrite)

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A/N Note: And like I said in the very first chapter. This is NO LONGER FOLLOWING CANON. I saw the canon and decide to burn it with fiendfyre. Anyway, this chapter would be focus on Draco POV. Enjoy⁓

Edited:18/07/2023. I decide to change some things in this chapter as I try to match it with the next chapter. Ideas came at the wrong time. Anyway enjoy~.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Draco Malfoy. The very same boy that always has things to say, especially in the presence of the so-called 'Golden Trio,' is looking dumbfounded at the things that his cousin just said a few moments ago. Draco tried to hide his wince at his response, but it seemed like he failed to do so when his cousin (traitor, he whispered under his breath) giggled, and his newfound cousin showed an amused smile on her face. After a few moments, which seemed forever to him, Draco managed to pull himself together and act as the heir of the House of Malfoy.

"Lady Black-Gaunt. Malfoy. Draco Malfoy of The Noble House of Malfoy and the current heir. It was a pleasure to meet you" said Draco with a smile on his face before kissing the back of her hand.

There's an awkward silence for a few moments before it was broken by Luna's laughter. Both Cassie and Draco seem to lighten up hearing her quiet laughter like the sound of small bells ringing.

"Heir Malfoy. Luna. How about we continue this conversation at my place rather than here?" Cassiopeia asked.

"Draco, please. Heir Malfoy makes me feel like I'm in an official meeting with the other head of houses" Draco said stopping Cassiopeia from walking.

"Then, Draco please call me Cassie," she said with a smile on her face. Completely different from their first meeting.

He simply shrugged and let Cassie lead them out of the park. He let his cousins go ahead of him while his thoughts wandered to his newest cousin.

He had no idea he had another family member on his mother's side. He was aware of his mother's two older sisters, Bellatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks, as well as two cousins, Sirius Black and Regulus Black. Draco never asked about his uncles and cousins again because his mother always upset when she talked about her family. And, despite having a cousin seven years older than him, Nymphadora Tonks, he never associated with her or her family.

Aunt Andy, according to his mother, stopped responding to any of her letters, especially after Aunt Bella had been apprehended by the Aurors. Draco remembers his mother sending letters only to have them returned still sealed, leaving her heartbroken. Whenever this happened, Father would embrace Mother and whisper something to her. His mother's last letter to his Aunt Andy was the night before he left for Hogwarts.

But he does have Luna, whom he claimed as his sister. Luna is his father's first cousin. Xenophillius Malfoy was born as a Malfoy, but when he fled his arranged marriage with Madeline Selwyn, now known as Madeline Parkinson, Xenophillius was disowned by his father, Abraxas Malfoy. Despite his disapproval, he married Pandora Lovegood and took her family's surname. According to his father, his grandfather only accepted Xenophillius back into the family after Luna was born. Luna was the first Malfoy girl in two hundred years. Grandfather and Grand'Mere loved and spoiled Luna with everything that she want. Well, they tried to spoil her but with the hurt that occurred because of his disownment, Xenophillius distanced himself from his family and never changed his family name back to Malfoy. He never brings Luna to the mansion. Even though he received all the gifts that his parents send for Luna, he never once acknowledge them or introduce them to Luna.

When Luna entered Hogwarts, Draco was a little bit disappointed that she didn't sort into Slytherin. He watched over Luna (shut up Blaise, it's not stalking) trying to find the right time to introduce himself to Luna. And he did as Luna often wandered in the Forbidden Forest. He never knew why his cousin loves spending time there but anything for his angel. Luna even introduced him to her uncle who terrified him when he received a letter telling him in detail if he ever hurt Luna, he'll be begging for death once he is done with him.

When he found out that Luna had been bullied by her housemate, he was so mad that he tried to storm into Ravenclaw tower and Crucio those bullies. The only reason he didn't do it was that Theo stunned him. He reminded Draco that he's a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor. People tend to forget that Draco may be born as Malfoy but he is also Black and there's a reason why his Aunt Bella was Lord Voldemort's, right-hand woman. He carefully plans everything and with some of his Slytherin friends (Theo, Blaise, and Pansy), the bullying stop. He even wrote a letter to Luna's uncle asking for his opinion. He sends him a two-way mirror as a way to teach him with hexes and spells that he used on those bullies. He still remembers how mad Luna was when she found out. He would never admit it but Luna scared him. It scared Draco because it reminds him of his mother, Narcissa. His mother may look as delicate as a flower just like her name but people often forget that she's a Black by birth. Luna also started to spend more time in the Slytherin common room and sometimes she would sleep in Pansy's room.

Draco didn't have a lot of family members. And when he started to consider one as family, he grew protective and would do anything to protect them. He never knew about Cassiopeia Black-Gaunt's existence. To think there's still a Gaunt after the last Gaunt, Morfin Gaunt has died in Azkaban for killing his father. And to think his newfound cousin would be one was shocking. But it doesn't matter if she's a Gaunt, she's also a Black by birth and one thing he knows is she's a family and one should never turn their back on family even if there's bad blood between them. Plus Luna seems happy with Cassiopeia. She pays attention to Luna when she's talking so that's a point for Cassiopeia. And Draco never rejected the idea of having another family in his life. He prayed to Lady Magic that maybe this time, he'll have an older sister. He always like the idea of having an older sister after his mother told him the things that she and her siblings and cousins does when they were younger before everything changed.


⨳ 𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔶𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫 ⨳

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