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Grimmauld Place...

"GRANDMAAAA!" Cassie yelled as she ran through the hallway towards her grandmother's portrait in the study room where her grandmother was talking(gossiping) with her sister-in-law, Druella Rosier. They were shocked when Cassie threw open the door and fell when she tripped over the carpet. Druella and Walburga winced when Hades, Cassie's familiar, jumped on her back and barked to greet both of them.

"I'm okay... Less okay. I think?"

"For Salazar's sake, Cassiopeia! What's wrong with you? You look like Dementor's chasing you. And Hades, get over here, boy!"

Her Grandaunt Druella was busy laughing when Grandma Walburga (A/N Note: I almost typed Walburger instead of Walburga :)) sighed heavily. As Grandaunt Druella used to say, now that she is only a part of a portrait, etiquette is damn.

"Hi grandma, Grandma Druella. Nice now that both grandmas are here. Anyway, I need to know who I should invite our family to the ball later. I mean, I already wrote to Aunt Cissy. So anyone else in our family that I forgot."

"Andy," Druella says as she looks at Cassie.

"Who?" Cassie said as she tilted her head slightly.

"Andromeda Aurora Black is my daughter. Your aunt, Cassiopeia."

"Ehhhh, I have another aunt? Grandma, why didn't you tell me? Wait, I do have another aunt! Andromeda Tonks! Tonks is not part of Sacred Twenty-Eight, right?"

"Yes, Tonks was not part of Sacred Twenty-Eight. It's also the reason why you never knew your Aunt Andy. She ran from the home after finding out that your Grand Uncle Cygnus and I arranged her marriage with Lucius after her graduate from Hogwarts."

"Lucius? As in Lucius Malfoy! Lucius Abraxas Malfoy? The one that married Aunt Cissy."

"Yes, my dear. The very same Lucius Malfoy. After Andy ran away, the Malfoy was angry, and to protect both our family names, Narcissa took her sister's place. That's why we set a vault under Narcissa's name after she married into Malfoy's family to silence the Malfoy."

"Yea, I remember that part. The agreement between our family and Malfoy was good, though. Man, that's suck. Hey grandma! You and Granduncle Cygnus were sucked back then."

"Cassiopeia Lyra Luna Black-Gaunt!"

"Ouch, governmental name. It looks like you're in trouble, Cassiopeia. But she's right, Wally. We and yes, that includes you, Wally were as Cassie said just now, suck."

"Dru, please don't encourage her language," Walburga said while rubbing her head, thinking how the hell she still had a headache even though she's a portrait now.

"I admit both me and Cygnus was bad back. She met a muggleborn at Hogwarts and fell in love with him. Ted Tonks, I believe his name was. She wanted to marry him, but we forbade them and threatened to banish Andy from the Black family. They have a child together, Nymphadora Tonks, your cousin. You should check the tapestry, Cassiopeia."

"Wait, I thought only the head of the family can banish their family members as I did to Aunt Bella and my sperm donor."

"Yes, it is. But our children didn't know about it, and we make use of it to control our children."

"Damn, your generation fucked up, grandma! But it's okay. Now that I'm the head of our house, I'm going to make everything work like it used to." Cassiopeia exclaimed, giving both her grandma a thumb up. And Hades lying next to Cassie, nod his head too.

"I give up with your language, Cassiopeia" Walburga sighed at her granddaughter's behavior.

"Cassiopeia, if they agree to attend to the ball, can you take Andy to me? I have a lot to apologize to my daughter."

"Don't worry, grandma Druella. I will get them to you. This ball would be a chance for us Black to be together once more. Oh, that reminds me, little moon would be here anytime, and I should write letters before she arrives. Thank you, Grandma. Bye! Hades, let's go, boy."


"Cassiopeia, don't run!"

"I don't think she can't hear you anymore, Wally. Who's little moon?"

"Little moon is a friend that Cassie met during her time in Hogwarts."

"Dru, do you think that Andy would agree to come here? To a place that both she and Sirius try very hard to leave."

"I don't even know, but if given a chance, I would like to apologize to my daughter. And maybe it would be nice if Andy reconciled with Cissy. It would even be better if Bella would be there with her sisters."

"I hope that they would agree to it. After all, Cassie would want her family to be together."

"Wally, have you ever wondered how did everything go wrong? Our family was no longer together. Toujours Pur and yet our family was full of hatred."

"I asked myself every single day, Dru."


A/N Note: It's look like there a new character that would make their appearance in future chapter. I wonder who it is(⊙_⊙)? And in the next chapter, I would make a vote for dress for the ball that would take part in future chapter. Let me know if you have suggestion for the characters outfit for the ball!

⨳ 𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔶𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫 ⨳

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