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A/N Note: I'm really, really sorry for the late update. Writer's blocks are suck. Anyway, this is a new chapter to introduce the new characters. It's short btw. I hope you enjoy it⁓

At the same time, when Cassie was talking to Walburga and Druella, a triple-decker, purple AEC Regent III RT arrived at a park near the Grimmauld Place. A blonde girl and a blond boy walked out of the bus, and one of them happily thanked the bus conductor while the other blond grumbled while fixing his suit as he glared at his partner. The identity of the blond boy is Draco Lucius Malfoy. The only son of Lucius Abraxas Malfoy and Narcissa 'Cissy' Malfoy nee Black. And his partner, Luna Lovegood, is the only child of Xenophilius Lovegood and Pandora Lovegood.

"It was fun! Draco, we should do it again," said Luna as she skipped towards the muggle park.

"Luna. Cousin, I love you but NO! I rather walk than ride that deadly thing again. And where are we anyway?" answered Draco with a scowl on his handsome face.

"Dragon, don't you think it's time to fix the mend the broken bond," she said instead of answering Draco's question with a smile as she sat on the swing at the park.

Draco sighed at his cousin's behavior and joined her at the swing. Luna is a seer, just like her Aunt Pandora used to be. Her strange behavior and odd belief were because she saw things that no one else could see. After spending much time with Luna, Draco was already used to the cryptic talk. As the two cousins enjoyed the silence at the park, they heard footsteps headed toward them. Draco saw a black-haired girl running toward them and stopped a few feet away. Before Draco could do anything, Luna ran toward the girl and hugged her.

The giggling sound between the two girls echoed the quiet garden. Draco makes his presence known by coughing loudly while standing next to the giggling duo. The black-haired girl stood upright, and her face showed nothing except the coldness in her grey eyes, which seemed familiar to Draco somehow. She studied Draco intently in the following moments, her grey eyes roaming from head to toe and back again, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Little moon, who is this gentleman you brought along?" she asked, not once breaking the eye contact making Draco THE Draco Malfoy wince.

"Star, you shouldn't scare Dragon like that. It's not a nice thing to do."

"My apologies, little moon. You're always right. I apologize. I should introduce myself. Black, Cassiopeia Black-Gaunt. It was nice meeting you."

"And she also the head of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Dragon. Your mother's house. Can't you believe it?" Luna said with a cheeky smile.



⨳ 𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔶𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫 ⨳

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