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A/N Note: I just noticed that I like to do cliffhanger. It's not on purpose well not really around 20% but the real reason is in the middle of writing the chapter, I suddenly get writer's block thus cliffhanger exists :) . Instead of continuing writing the chapter, I get new ideas for the next chapters. Suck :). Alert OOC Voldemort. As I said before this story is AU so anyway, enjoy~

Malfoy Mansion...

The silence in the study room was thickening. Narcissa was shocked at the words from the Dark Lord's mouth. Granddaughter? Granddaughter! Her niece was Lord Voldemort's granddaughter! Her face must show the shock when Narcissa heard the dark lord chuckle.

"Let me tell you a story, my dear. A story about a young girl looking for her family, not knowing the family was the villain everyone in the Wizarding World feared. That girl was Valkyrie Luna Gaunt. She was 10 when I ordered my most loyal Death Eaters to bring her to me. She has been asking about the Gaunt's family and thus invoked my interest to know the person that dared to look for my family. Yes, my dear, I was born as a Gaunt before I become Lord Voldemort." Voldemort said when he noticed Narcissa's eyes widen hearing the Gaunt's name. He didn't know why he was sitting in his subordinate's study room telling his most loyal right-hand woman's sister about his granddaughter. But it's too late to back off now. And he was convinced that the woman in front of him would never do anything that would endanger her niece.

"So imagine my surprise when Abraxas and Mulciber brought a young girl to me. It was amusing to see your father-in-law struggling to hold Valkyrie, who was shouting profanities at him, while Mulciber held his broken nose. I found out that Valkyrie went to Little Hangleton after hearing the story from her father that their family used to reside in that place before getting killed by her uncle Morfin. I'm still wondering what parents would let their ten-year-old daughter travel alone and tell quite a gruesome family history. But that day, I found out that another Gaunt exists other than me. I then let Abraxas send Valkyrie back to her after she promised not to tell a single soul about meeting me even before I told her to, and she also promised to write a lot of letters for me. True to her words, a Eurasian Eagle-Owl came to me, bringing a letter a day later. Since then, she often wrote letters informing me of her days, and as time passed, I started to see Valkyrie as my daughter. And to think that she would end up marrying your blood traitor cousin. Sirius Black. I have never met another person that I hate more than Dumbledore."

"My lord. I apolo-"

"My dear, it's not your fault that your blood traitor cousin mistreated my daughter. I don't think you even know about Valkyrie and Cassiopeia until a few years ago, isn't right?"

Narcissa nodded weakly at the Dark Lord's words. To think that Lord Voldemort didn't punish her for something her cousin has done to his daughter was unbelievable. She has heard from Lucius talked to other Death Eater that the Dark Lord has used the Cruciatus Curse on his followers over trivial things. She can feel the tension slowly leave her body until the Dark Lord utters the following words making her blood cold.

"I know that you're scared of me, Narcissa. The only reason you are loyal to me was to protect your son, Draco. There's no need to draw out your wand. I won't harm young Draco. Maybe before I met Valkyrie, I would make you watch as your son die before I kill you. A traitor has no place in my ranks, after all. But now, I understand the feeling of protecting your loved one. I think you owe your life to Valkyrie, dear Narcissa. I never felt that I could love another until I met Valkyrie. And I even met young Cassiopeia when she was born. As I look at her eyes, I felt this sudden protectiveness for young Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia is a name that I gifted to her. A name that was perfect for a powerful witch like her." Voldemort said, letting Narcissa process the information dumped at her while enjoying the tea that was provided.

"My lord, why would you tell me this? I appreciate that you would share something personal like this with me, but I can't help but wonder why me?" Narcissa asked after collecting herself. She felt a shiver down her spine when she saw a smile on the Dark Lord's skull-like face.

"Indeed why you. I have many followers who are loyal to me, but I choose you, a witch whose loyalty was not at me. The reason is that you are a mother. And there is nothing as powerful as a mother's love. You're a mother, and I had seen how you tried to hex me just now when I mentioned Cassiopeia and your son, Draco. Even though you never met Cassiopeia, you still try to protect her from me. And you would be able to help her when the time comes, especially with your husband's family name. I could demand Lucius, but I doubt that Cassiopeia would accept his help. Now I am asking you, would you sell your soul to the devil to protect both your niece and son?"

"Yes, my lord"


⨳ 𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔶𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫 ⨳

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