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A/N Note: I sincerely sorry that I have not been updating this story. My notes for this story has been misplaced when I decide to listen to my 3 am thoughts and reorganise my bedroom. The notes has yet to be found but I decide to roll with it I guess. Anyway to those who has been following this story thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed it...

Cassie POV

Cassie was always aware of Luna's cunning side. However, when Luna decided to show off her Slytherin side, Cassie never saw it coming. But Luna's puppy eyes made it impossible for her to refuse, and so she consented to drag her newfound cousin back to Grimmauld Place.

As she listened to Luna about her uncle, she observed her cousin, Draco Malfoy. At the ball that would take place in a few days, Luna pledged to introduce Cassie to her uncle. Cassie readily agreed to it despite the fact that she and Luna had only been acquainted with each other for a little period of time. Cassie understood everything that Luna did had a purpose. When she heard Luna chuckle, she arched an eyebrow, silently questioning why. However, Luna only shrugged and gave Cassie a warm embrace. When Luna starts to behave like a kitten, Cassie fights against her desire to pat her head.

She returned her attention to her recently discovered relative. She certainly could have thought that the blond-haired Slytherin lad who often bothers Potter back at Hogwarts turns out to be her cousin, Draco Malfoy, the heir to the Most Noble House of Malfoy. However, it makes sense because she recognizes him as she meets his eyes. The identical gray eyes that she sees in the mirror each day. Even though she knew she had cousins, she never truly tuned in to any of their names when Papa told her about them. Although she was aware of many things about her cousins, she was never aware of their names. Salazar, she ought to be more mindful going forward. Draco's appearance greatly contrasts with his behavior around Luna. She senses that he is keeping a watchful eye on them both, especially on Luna. Draco was right there with her, supporting her arms firmly without causing any pain when Luna nearly fell on the uneven pathway. When Luna only giggled at his worried look, his eyes softened. Her little moon is a wonderful prankish little fairy. Cheryl had given her an appropriate name. Draco was one year her junior, based on what her father had told her. She supposes she is now a big sister, huh? That's okay, as Cassie would never turn down the chance to spoil her younger brother. More siblings to spoil.

They soon found themselves in front of 12 Grimmauld Place. The three teens were ignored by the muggles who were strolling around. The so-called savior of the light Order of Phoenix was driven from Cassie's house, and Fidelius's enchantment was broken. Even if 12 Grimmauld Place is safe for magical residents now, muggles would still be at risk of damage if they even ventured near that house due to some old enchantment, something that neither Cassie nor her Papa would accept. The charms meant to deter muggles were thus permanently placed in front of the residence. The magic so deeply ingrained in the structure that, barring Cassie's desire to sacrifice a goodly number of muggles, there was no realistic way to remove or modify the ward plan. This is also the reason Grimmauld Place stopped welcoming squib Blacks when they grew up and left the house.

She showed her guests to the recently remodeled sun room after welcoming them both inside her house. Cassie asked Coco, the newest house elf, to bring some snacks for them. She was aware that before Cassie left the house, Buddy, her new chef, had made several desserts. As they waited for Coco, the three of them found themselves in an unpleasant predicament.

"Mistress and friends of the mistress. Greetings from home." Coco acknowledged her with a small bow.

"This is Coco, one of my house elves, Luna, Draco. I believe the remaining three are preparing for the ball by hanging around the house." Cassie said, grabbing a cup of tea, and inviting her cousins over.

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