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A/N Note: Okay first I would like to apologise for taking so long to update this books. I have been working and let me tell you adulting sucks🤧. And I'm sorry. Second, I'll try to update this book whenever I get free time. And lastly, as I said before time and time again, this story is an AU. I decide to go with my plot instead of following the real books time line and storyline. Anyway enjoy...

Albus Percival Wufric Brian Dumbledore was a simple man. All he want in this world was peace. He grew up with a single half blood mother who work hard as a waitress in muggle world. His father who work as an Auror died when he was 8. It was hard time to grew up but at least he still has his siblings as he grew up. As the eldest Dumbledore, he was responsible to his brother and his sister. His sister, Arianna who was 7 years younger than him was a sweetheart. He loved his family even when sometimes they annoyed him. So he never thought that he would lose everything just because he fall in love.

He remembered how he met a charming Germany boy who he met through his next door neighbour, Bathilda. She was busy with her work as a publisher that she dragged Albus to entertain her nephew while he spend his time there. Gellert Grindelwald, a boy who was the same age as Albus but far more advanced in magic than him. Throughout the holiday, Albus get to know the stoic face boy. He learned about Gellert's time in Durmstrang and in return Albus told him about Hogwarts. When Gellert returned home, they stay in contact by exchanging letters. Albus found out that Gellert's shared the same goal. Both of them were sick of war that the muggle caused and the death of their loved ones. Gellert's lose his mother to a muggle who accidentally found out about her magic while she was helping people during an attack. When Gellert's found out about it, he tracked down the man and killed him. Albus grimaced a little when Gellert told him about it but then again he understood that if something happened to his family, he would have done the same thing.

As they continue with their friendship, his feelings start to change. He never thought that he would fall in love with his best friend. He tried to avoid the feelings and it caused a little strain in their friendship until one day, Gellert confessed his feelings towards Albus. Just like any other teenagers that stupidly in love, the of them make a blood pact to never betrayed each other. It seems excessive but Albus loved Gellert to much that he agree with it. Everything was good. Gellert and Albus start their revolution for a better future for the rest of Wizarding World. When he left home, he got into a fight with his brother, but he convinced himself that it was for greater good. After they have won the revolution, his brother would see the result his revolution has make. They gained more and more followers who share the same beliefs that muggles are getting more dangerous especially with their new weapons. The muggles' war has not only sacrificed their own people but also good wizards and witches. Gellert decide to get more involved in the muggle war. With the help of his Sight, they won a lot of battles against the muggles. But as time goes by, Albus has started to see how Gellert way was too cruel. His way to path the way has sacrifice their own people. People who believed in their cause. At first he tried to denied it as it was for Greater Good. But he can't take it anymore. He left Gellert and their organisation and return home to his family.

When he returned home, his sister and mother take him back. His brother though decide that Albus has betrayed their family didn't reach out to him. Even though they lived in the same house, he never saw his brother. Sure it was frustrating at first but Arianna make it better. He spend more time with his sister, show her some spells that he learned from Gellert. The thought of Gellert caused a pain in his chest. He knew that after his departure, Gellert has become more ruthless in pursuing his goal. Albus stop reading newspapers just to avoid remembering about Gellert. Out of sight, out of mind. He decided to put his past behind and start focusing on his family. But the thing is, the past never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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