Chapter Twelve | Married Couple

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*Y/N, get out of bed!* Langa tugged at your blanket and you held it tightly from the other end. *It's a Saturday, leave me alone!*

*Yeah, well it's nearly noon, so get your butt out of bed!*

You aggressively pulled the blanket over your head and it slipped out of Langa's grip. With a scoff, he left the room, shutting the door behind him. *You're going to miss lunch, too!* You heard him call out.

*I truly do not care!* You turned over in bed and faced your window. In reality, you weren't really sleepy, you just didn't have the energy to get out of bed.

You then lied on your back so you'd face your ceiling. Your next concert was in the next town and Kotaro had already booked a place.

In the midst of your thoughts, your phone rang and you looked over to check the caller ID. "Miya...?" You picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, want to come by Joe's restaurant? We're planning on heading to the amusement park."

"Yeah, sure!"

You hung up just as Langa came bursting into your room. *Get outta bed, Reki called me to hang out!*

You rolled your eyes and swung your legs out of bed, your feet thudding on the ground. *Simp.*

*Excuse me?!*

You giggled and pushed him gently. *Shoo, shoo, I need to change!*

You opened your closet and sighed. Okay, so... jeans? No, no, definitely leggings. And a... sleeveless shirt with a denim jacket. *Okay then.* You slipped into your clothes and tied your hair.

You poked your head into Langa's room and deadpanned. *You have a little something in your hair there.* He looked back at you with a brush stuck in his light blue locks. *Thanks.*

You yawned and trotted to the washroom, picking up your toothbrush and brushing your teeth as lyrics swirled around in your head.

What rhymes with infinity?

"Y/N, Langa, there's a car in the front saying they'll pick you up!" You heard your mom call. You furrowed your brow, spitting out your toothpaste and washing your face and toothbrush before stepping down the first two steps of the stairs.

I thought we were going to meet at Kojiro's restaurant?

"What does the car look like?" You asked as you came down the stairs. She looked through the curtains. "Um, red..."

"Red?" You walked up to the window and opened it. "Oh, that's Shindo's mom's car."

You sighed and walked out. "Hey, you're looking a bit more fancy than usual." Yu noticed. "About to go on a date?"

"Shut up, Yu! No, I was going to hang out with Langa's friends. What are you doing here?"

"Aw, how rude!" Yu sighed. "Shindo and I were going to ask you if you were still down for ramen later."

"Oh yeah, right." You nodded. "Yeah, I'm still coming. I'm just headed to the amusement park right now, so I'm not cancelling, I promise."

"Right, right. Have fun on your date!"


"Then a triple date plus the seventh wheel."

You rolled your eyes and gently pushed Yu, telling him to get back to the car. *Gosh, he's annoying.* You said to yourself with a smirk. You turned around and pause.

Wait, who the heck would be the seventh wheel anyway?

*Langa, let's go! Quit trying to look pretty for your boyfriend!* Your mom giggled and passed you a water bottle. "Here, don't get dehydrated."

"Don't worry, I know how to take care of myself." Langa came swinging down the steps and you opened the door. "Bye mom!" The two of you chanted.

You walked down the sidewalk, a mask and sunglasses on as usual. "I made myself look so nice just to hide it behind a mask and sunglasses again." You pouted. "Then take it off."

"You know what happens when I take it off."

"Okay, Miss Famous." Langa ruffled your hair. "Reki said he's meeting us at the corner again." You sighed and put your hands in your denim jacket's pockets. "Can't you guys just kiss or something?"

"Y/N!" You looked up to see Langa's bright red cheeks as he tried to hide them behind his hands. "Right... anyways, chill your face, 'Snow,' we're coming around the corner now."

As you did so, Langa's face lit up and he ran up to Reki, doing the same handshake they've been doing for the past two years.

You tapped your chin and walked passed them, not wanting to be the third wheel in whatever nonsense they had going on in their telepathic conversation you could sense them having.

You arrived at Joe's restaurant and smiled at Miya who was already seated inside. "Where's Kojiro?" You asked as you sat down next to him.

"He went to the back with Kaoru. 'Said they needed to get something."

"Wanna bet that they're having a make out session in the back?"

"100 yen."


You cleared your throat and called out, "Hey, Kaoru, can I ask you about something?"

After a few seconds, the back room's doors swung open and Kaoru walked out and wiped his lips with his hand. "Yes, what do you need help with?" You smiled and held out your hand as Miya placed 100 yen in your palm. "Nothing."

"Anyways, when are we going?" Reki asked.

"When Hiromi gets here. He said he just needs to help out with one last thing at the flower shop. He's probably stalling so he can be with his manager longer."

You chuckled and leaned back in your seat. "Well, I don't blame him. I'm sure he gets tired of everyone acting like married couples around here."

Miya slammed down his switch and wheezed as the other four's faces flushed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Right, you're being weird."



You raised a brow and made eye contact with Miya, who had the same unamused expression as you did.

"Whatever you say..."

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