Chapter Fifty Eight | Pretty

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"Thanks for coming over." Yu's mom bowed to you, Shindo, and Eiji.

"It's not a problem." Shindo assured, with yours and Eiji's nod to back up his response. "We're happy to help. If you ever need anything, you can contact us and we can get a lawyer involved."

"Or a bodyguard." You added.

"Or a detective." Eiji continued.

Yu's mom nodded, her friendly smile going crooked. Why do these kids have access to that kind of thing? "Oh, I'm sure we won't have to resort to those measures. Please get home safe."

"We will!"


"You know, Eiji, you don't always have to use your body as a human shield." You scolded.

"I know, I know. I just panicked."

Shindo's brows raised. "That's uncharacteristic of you. You normally know what to do in such situations. What made this time any different?"

Eiji shrugged, watching his feet drag along the sidewalk. "I saw that Yu was in danger. So I panicked."

You giggled and gently pushed him off the sidewalk with a teasing elbow. "What a Shoujo protagonist."

"Wha- No I'm not!"

"You totally are!"

Shindo chuckled - like, the actual sound, not just a nose exhale - and you and Eiji snapped your heads to him. "What the heck was that?"

"Nothing. I have to turn here. See you."

"Bye!" You waved until Shindo was out of sight then grabbed Eiji's hand. He got your hint and began running with you. "You saw him too?"

"Of course I did. Who is he?"

"I don't want to turn my head to find out."

For the past fifteen minutes, someone was walking behind the three of you. Given that Shindo's parents would kill him if he were to come home late, none of you reacted to it.

"Are we going to get lost?" You questioned, turning on streets you couldn't even read.

"No, I know my way around. My siblings used to run away from me all the time."

"Well yeah, that's how we met." Your feet skidded as Eiji dragged you into a sharp turn. "We almost hit Kimi with a car."

"You didn't tell me that part!" His phone began to ring and you urged him to answer it. It was Nora. "Hey Nora, what's up?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering- You sound out of breath. Are you running?"

Damn, she's good. "Yep, just an afternoon run."

"No, you're not. An afternoon run shouldn't cause you to be this out of breath. You sound panicked."

Eiji glanced back at you, who was trailing behind him with a death grip on his hand, and you gave him a guilty smile. 

"Um... Y/N and I are running... down the street."

"What? Why?"


"Never mind, I see you."

"You what?!"

Before Eiji could even look around, someone ran past him and sprinted behind him and out of sight. You and he stopped to see Nora standing over a collapsed figure on the sidewalk. "Dios mío..."

"Who's this?" Nora queried. "Another 'afternoon run' buddy?"

You gave Eiji a 'Really?' look before answering, "I'm not sure. But he's been following us for the past twenty minutes."

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