Chapter Fifty Seven | Who Was There

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You hummed quietly to the song playing in your head, staring down at the pond in Shindo's backyard over the edge of the bridge.


You turned and saw Yu walking towards you, his coat over his shoulders and the blue scarf that Eiji made for him around his neck. "Aren't you all bundled up? It's not that cold, you know?"

"You and your Canadian blood."

"It's really not."

He stood next to you, leaning over the railing and following your gaze to the river barely below. You saw this solemn look in his eyes, clouding the playfulness he often held. But you didn't mention it.

You leaned on his shoulder with a soft smile. "Remember when you kept asking your mom for a dog and you always called me to try and convince her?"

Yu chuckled. "Yeah, it never worked though."

"...Are you alright? Why aren't you with Eiji?"

"Ei fell asleep. Shindo said he'd call his mom to pick him up." Yu stared at the water that rippled despite the lack of any true flow. It reminded him of your eyes. *How do you deal with it?*

You tilted your head at the sudden change in language. His voice sounded so gentle when he spoke English, with a slight British accent. The confidence he had in his voice when he spoke Japanese was gone. So, decided to follow suite. *Deal with what?*

*Just... everything, I guess? From the fame to the personal problems. You always seem so on top of everything.*

After he said this, you laughed, as if what he said was genuinely funny.


*Sorry, sorry.* You rubbed the back of your neck. *It's just... is that what you believe?*

Yu hummed. *Well, suddenly, I don't quite believe it anymore.*

You smiled, mirroring his solemnness. *I'm not really put together. I just appear that way. In reality, I feel a bit lost when it comes to dealing with myself and dealing with others. It's like a scale that people keep putting one cent on for either side. Sometimes I feel all the weight on my shoulders and other times I feel so free.*

*Yeah... that's how it is. When do you feel... free?*

You showed him a real smile, one you had when you sang or played an instrument. *When I realize that freedom isn't impossible. All you need to do is find where, when, and who you find freedom in."

He watched you walk off, humming once again.

"So she doesn't just have a good ear in music." Yu leaned his head on his hand. "Always the listener."

His eyes glanced back at the pond again, at his reflection. "I wonder if my dad looks like me."


It's been a few days since everyone visited Shindo's house. He didn't tell you about the fake voicemail, although his conscience still tugs at him to do so.

You were already stressed. Would it help you to know such a detail?

But nonetheless, the news you did get wasn't any more pleasant.

You got multiple phone calls while trying to read a book and, while you don't often do this, you closed your book and picked up your phone to check the contact. It was Shindo.


"Come quick. It's Yu."

You perked up, one foot already out of bed. "What happened?"

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