Chapter Sixty Four | Your Song

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Never fall in love.

The words from your book pounding Miya's head like a sudden headache. He shifted in bed, every small sound or sense of movement making him jump to his phone to see if someone texted. No one ever did.

"Miya!" His mom called.


"Your friend is at the door." She opened his door. "It's Hinatsuri Aiko!"

Miya blinked. "How do you..."

"She's on the front cover of a bunch of magazines! And she's part of one of the richest families in Japan."

He nodded, forgetting that Hina was famous despite how... normal she seemed. He dragged himself downstairs and was hit with a wave of embarrassment when he saw how nice Hina looked. "H-Hey."

"Good afternoon, Miya. Did you just wake up?"

"No, no." He cleared his throat. "No. I was just resting."

"I see." She moved a strand of her hair behind her ear, gazing upon the walls of his house, perhaps comparing it to hers. A small smile formed on her lips. "What a fine establishment. However, despite your claim of rest, you seem quite fatigued. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. How are you doing?"

"I'm well." She folded her hands in front of her and closed her eyes for a moment. "I apologize. I haven't been getting much sleep. I supposed you can tell?"

He blinked again. "No. Not at all." Maybe it's just a Hina thing, looking perfect all the time.

"You live to flatter." She lifted a bag that leaned on her leg on the floor. "I wished to bring this to you, but you seem occupied."

"No, I'm not busy. I haven't been for a while since my manager said to take it easy." Then he remembered, "How do you know my address?"

Her brows raised in genuine confusion. "I thought you had informed Shindo?"


"I see. I will advise him to not look into the personal lives of others upon just meeting them." She placed the bag in Miya's hands, smiled, and left, pulling down her mask for a moment. "See you around, Miya!"

He smiled for the first time in a while, watching her enter the car that clearly was not from the neighbourhood. One of the most beautiful things about Hina was when she  lost her sparkle and she simply glowed.

When he peered inside the bag she brought, he saw your book and an envelope sealed with wax. He rushed up to his room and pulled out a box cutter to open it.

Inside was a note, written in Hina's swirly handwriting.

Miya, we haven't known each other for very long. In a similar sense, you haven't known Y/N for very long. However, I'm sure you have taken a liking to her.

He soon realized that this note was written a long time ago, when he and the others first met. There was a wall when Hina first met him, and the wall was still up when she wrote this letter.

A shiver went down his spine. What if this was a death threat or whatever girls do for their best friends?

You may believe that this is an inconvenient way of sending this message, but I find that hand written letters are much more sincere. Y/N is a dear friend, despite our relationship starting over video calls and whatnot. While dear, she treats everyone the same. There are celebrities who deem themselves as gods over their fan bases, but never Y/N. She always has a respect for everyone she comes across, even those who may have wronged her.

I must tell you this: to her, everyone is human. No one is below her. Around her, everyone feels human. In our messy society of those who are 'on top' and those who are 'at the bottom', she removed the titles and reveals that we are all on levelled ground.

I can sense her affections for you. She rarely holds those anymore according to Kaya and Nora. She is one who fears rejection. Not rejections of love, but rejection of her as a whole.

Perhaps you thought that this letter was a threat to never hurt her, but it is not. Just make her feel loved, just as she loves everyone else.

Miya doesn't cry. He deems it as useless and weak. Yet... somehow, Hina always manages to do the impossible, and he sunk onto the floor to bury his face in his knees.

He never believed the notion of bad things happening to good people. He believed that everyone was just bad and there are some who are simply less bad. But right now, he knew that bad things had happened to a good person. Good people are hard to come by, but when he did come by one, he fell in love with her, even though one of the only things she could tell herself was to never fall in love.

You were like a gem amongst stones. A sapphire, like you've always been. You didn't shine because someone polished you. You shined because no one had dirtied you.

Even if you never loved him back, he knew he'd probably never be able to pull his hand away to make it hold someone else's. It's weird for him to say that since two years before, he didn't even entertain the thought of getting married.

Now, all he wanted to do was steal you from the world. Stand out amongst a crowd of fans. Have people jealously stare at him, wishing they were him. It would probably never happen, though. You were worlds away from him. Like a cheesy love song of lovers that could never be. He'd like to say those romance animes that you and Kaya like to watch, but it seemed to be a little more than that.

After all, you didn't really write stories. You wrote songs with stories. And right now, this wasn't his song. This wasn't the world's song. This wasn't the song of those who are struggling. This wasn't the song of those hopelessly in love.

You needed to live for you, and not for anyone else. You needed to look yourself in the mirror and think that you were enough. Look at you friends and say that you deserve them. Right now, you were on your own journey rather than guiding the way for others. Right now, this was your story. Right now, this was your song.

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