Chapter Twenty Four | Mall

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"Y/N, you said we'd go to the mall today!" Kaya complained, shaking you violently.

"Okay, okay, I'm up, I'm up!" You pushed her away and rubbed your eyes. "God, it is way to early for this." You looked at the time, seeing that it said 7:03am. "You woke me up at 7:00am on a Saturday?!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not." She sipped the coffee Langa helped her make. "Besides, you have rehearsal this afternoon, so we have to go now or we won't be able to at all."

"Right, right. Langa and Reki already left?"

"Yep." Hina swung her bag over her shoulder. "And it's about time we leave as well. Shindo informed me that he and the boys already left for the mall."

You groaned and sat up. "Fine, let's go."


"So.... Is Shou still your manager?"

You nodded. "He has to stay until Kotaro returns, as upsetting as it is. He was, in fact, Kotaro's temporary replacement. He shouldn't try anything funny because of what happened a few days ago, but I'll handle it if he does."

Nora put her hand on your shoulder, concern clearly reflecting in her hazel eyes. "Y/N, you tried to handle it yourself last time. If you need help, you don't have to do it by yourself."

You faced the ground. "Right..."

As the four of you walked towards the mall, Nora leaned over to Kaya's ear. "Do you see him?" Kaya nodded. "Hina noticed too."

The three of them looked back, seeing a guy peeking around the corner of a building in attempts to get closer to you.

"Formation C."

"On it."

Nora placed her jacket over her shoulder, letting it hang down to your thighs. "It's kind of chilly, goodness."

"Is it? I didn't notice. Maybe it's because I'm Canadian." You pulled the jacket over your chest. "Thanks Nora!"

Kaya walked behind you, putting her hand on your shoulders to keep the jacket in place. "So, which store are we headed to first?"

"Uh... I'm not sure. The last time we went, it was for school supplies."

Hina held your arm with a soft smile. "I have a few recommendations. Come now."

The four of you walked into the mall and saw the boys standing by one of the food stores. Yu waved and the four of you ran over, Hina hugging Shindo.

Miya looked over at the two and then at you, who was busy teasing Eiji about the night before. "Good to see you guys." He said, and you looked over.

"It's the first time you've said that to us!" Kaya said. "Are we your friends now?"


You took his hand. "Come on, I need to buy some things for Christmas!"

"Why do I have to come?!"

"Because I already bought your gift, so I need to buy everyone else's!"

Kaya let out a dramatic sigh. "She's growing up!" "You're not even a year older—" "Let me have my moment, Nora."

You walked next to Miya, looking around at the Christmas decorations scattered around the mall. "It looks like Japan decorated for Christmas as well." You held Miya's hand and walked a bit closer. "Langa's planning on inviting you to go to hang out on Christmas Eve. My mom wants to meet your parents."

"Oh. Okay, that's fine." He looked down at your hand and squeezed it gently. "Is everyone else's parents coming?"


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