Chapter 4 - Harry POV

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Here's the next part....

I opened the door to mine and Louis' flat. I entered our room to find Louis still fast asleep just as I had expected. He had a small frown on his face and I was concerned. Yesterday, he clearly was stressed about something and I know he hates sleeping alone - perhaps why he was frowning. I went to the kitchen and made some waffles for him, since I had already eaten at Ed's. After making breakfast, I took it up to our room for him. He still lay fast asleep and I laughed slightly. I slowly ran my hand through Louis' hair and he yawned, eyelashes fluttering slightly. He looked so soft and kitten-like, I couldn't help coo. Seeing me, his face burst into a sunshine smile and he put his head onto my lap, snuggling into my arms. I chuckled lightly and made him sit up, giving him his breakfast. His eyes lit up with glee and I subconsciously smiled as well. "Thanks Hazzie." He grinned pecking me on my cheek as he dug into his breakfast. He pouted when he saw that I wasn't eating. "Why aarn't oo eafing?" He asked with his mouth full and I shook my head at his childish behavior. "I ate at my friend's place. Speaking of which he wants to meet you and I guess since both of you have wanted that since a long time I decided to get you guys to meet." 

Louis grinned widely and said, "When can we meet?" I paused as I thought of Ed's next tour dates. Ed said he's be leaving next week Friday. Today was Saturday and we could meet but I wanted to drop by at the café later today. "We can meet him tomorrow." I said. "I'll call him and ask." I called Ed up and he picked it immediately. "Hey E." I said conscious not to use his first or last name with Lou around. "Hey Potter." He replied and I grinned a bit. "You alright E?" I asked, last night and today's events still fresh on my mind. "I'm honestly good. Haven't cut since you've left though that's not saying much since it's been only an hour." I could hear the frown in his voice and I said somewhat cryptically so Louis wouldn't catch on, "Correction, since last night. I was there the whole time. Think positive E and it'll be alright. Remember what I said earlier." "Yeah Haz. Thanks for being there all along." I smiled and said, "No problem. Now the reason I was calling you in the first place is because I wanted to ask you if Louis and I could drop by to meet you tomorrow, around 3?" Ed replied with a sure and I hung up the phone. Louis looked at me questioningly and I told him, "Yes, we can go to my friend's place tomorrow." Louis fist pumped the air and then said, "Haz, you know you always call him 'E' or 'my friend' when I'm around. Now that I'm going to meet him tell me his name."  He gave me puupy eyes which I skillfully ignored and I shook my head. "Nopes, you'll learn his name tomorrow when we meet him." Louis groaned and I smirked. "Lou, you know you really should brush and take a shower." This time Louis smirked, "Wanna join me?" I shrugged and joined him.

After a shower, which became unnecessarily long after Louis decided to kiss me, we both changed into comfy clothes and flopped out onto the couch. That's when I asked Louis the question that had been on my mind, "Why were you so stressed yesterday, babe?" Louis pinched his nose bridge and sighed, "I should have told you yesterday. I'm so sorry for snapping at you H. Umm... So basically... Lottie's boyfriend cheated on her 2 weeks back. She told Mum and all the girls but no one told me. I bumped into Lottie yesterday, she was at a café near the college sitting by the window and crying. I walked up to her and that's when she told me everything. Apparently, the guy was cheating on her from the start and he was only with her for a bet. The worst bit is I don't know how to feel. I am furious with the guy but so hurt that Lottie didn't tell me. You know Lottie and I were always the closest of our siblings but she still didn't trust me enough to tell me." Louis had tears in his eyes and I hugged him close to me, wiping his tears away. "Lou, baby, she loves you a lot. You're her elder brother, her role model. Perhaps, she was scared to tell you because she was worried you'd go ahead and do something in your anger. Lou, we both know that when you are angry you can be irrational. Maybe, Lottie didn't want you getting into trouble for this. I know for a fact that my elder sis-" I stopped. I hadn't spoken about or even thought of my elder sister Gemma, since we fought 4 years back. Louis didn't even know I have a sister and Ed never brings her up because he knows its a painful topic for me. "Sibling -  if I had one - would undoubtedly kill anyone who hurts me." I finished my sentence. I felt a slight pain in my heart when I said, "If I had one." Because I had a sister, the most wonderful sister ever. Why did we ever fight?

So... A lot of story starters, A lot of secrets, A lot of mystery and A lot of confusion.... but read on it'll all make sense soon

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