Chapter 7 - Harry POV

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Sorry I'm late for updating... I had exams. How are you all?

The walk from the Holmes Chapel station mainly consisted of me trying to convince Louis to follow my quick pace as we walked while Louis seemed adamant to stroll leisurely much to my aggravation. He even asked me about the tree-house and who it belonged to and I was unsure how to respond. I just told him to walk faster. I was emotionally wound up by the time we had reached Ed's place and when Ed didn't open the door even after I rang the doorbell several times, I panicked. Fear coursed through my body, memories of a single day repeating in my head. I prayed that Ed was alright and called him up quickly. Ed immediately picked up and I let out a sigh of relief. "Mate, why aren't you opening the door. You had me bloody worried." "Shit, sorry. I didn't hear the doorbell - it probably isn't working. I'll be down in a second." Ed replied and cut the call. A few seconds later, the thudding of stairs could be heard and my red-haired mate opened the door. I hugged him tightly, relieved he was alright. I whispered in his ear. "Fix the fucking doorbell and please to scare me like that. I was so afraid." A tear made its way down my face and when we parted, I quickly wiped it away before Louis could see it. Louis however, wasn't paying attention to me. He stood in shock, his mouth gaping wide. Then he turned to me, "Is he real?" He whispered clearly mentioning Ed. In my stress, I had forgotten Louis would be meeting his musical idol for the first time.

 I giggled "Yeah Lou. That's why I didn't tell you his name before hand." After Lou had gotten over the shock. I introduced him and Ed to each other and they met with a hug before entering the house. Louis was still in a slight daze as he recovered from the shock. Ed noticed and said, "Hey Louis, Haz here tells me you are a big fan. Is it so?" Louis nodded vigorously, "I'm your biggest fan, Ed. Honestly, I can't believe Haz never told me he was best friends with Ed Sheeran. Oh my gosh. I'm still waiting for me to wake up and realize I was dreaming." Ed laughed and gave a huge grin. My heart swelled - it had been so long since I'd seen such a bright smile on my best friends face. Again, like a wave, realization hit me - my best friend was depressed. I couldn't comprehend it even now. Every time I remembered it, a tsunami of my past would flood in my mind. I'd realize just how wrong this could go. A tear made its way down my cheek and Ed looked at me questioningly. Louis had his back turned and couldn't see me. I quickly wiped the tear and gave Ed an expression saying - nothing really.

Louis finally recovered from his shock and said, "Gosh. I think I'm fine now. Gosh Ed, just want to say I think you are brilliant. You have an amazing voice, play the guitar fantastically and your song lyrics are gorgeous. Honestly, you're amazing."

Ed chuckled and said, "Thanks Louis but honestly I'm nothing compared to Harry here." I immediately felt my stomach clench. I had a bad feeling about where this conversation would go. Louis looked at me puzzled and said, " Wait as second, Harry sings? Do I really know you Haz?" Ed also looked at me surprised that Louis didn't know that I sing. And I felt as though I had been stabbed. Louis had only been joking but as I thought about how much I'm hiding from Louis I felt sick to my stomach. I quickly excused myself on the pretext of visiting the bathroom. The moment I closed the bathroom door, I began sobbing lightly as I felt angry at myself for hiding so much from the one person who mattered. I resisted the urge to punch the wall when Ed's voice came, "Haz you alright? It's just me, Louis' still in the hall." I opened the door and the moment Ed saw my state he hugged me tightly, "What's wrong H?" He asked and I sniffled and wiped my tears, "Honestly, I don't know myself. During the walk here, Lou walked slowly and stopped a lot, asking me questions. It just gave me time to refresh memories I tried to forget. I was pretty emotionally exhausted by the time we reached here. Then you didn't answer the door and I was worried something terrible happened to you. And then, back in the hall, Louis asked me if he really knew me and though I know he was joking it struck a string. I feel awful Ed. I've hidden so much from him. Ed he trusts me with his life and I - I haven't told him anything about me, about you, about Jessica, a-about Gemma. He doesn't even ask me or push me about my past. He just looks at me with all the trust in the world, believing that one day I will tell him everything. Now I'm feeling so guilty and awful Ed." I ranted my heart out and after Ed calmed me down and I dried my tears away (nothing is original there's nothing left to say... Sorry couldn't help it ;) ) we went back down where Louis stood talking on the phone to Lottie. 

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