Chapter 10 - Harry POV

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Oh my... It's Friday! The Christmas vacations really make you lose track of time... Sorry for the late update but Happy New Year in advance!

By this point I genuinely feel I'm not going to have any other POV in this book but I don't mind... Besides I might have a Louis POV later... IDK

TW - Mentions of Rape

"I was two when I met Jessica." I choked slightly at her name and a tear trickled down. Niall looked suspicious and angry, Zayn seemed to be staring into my soul and Louis looked like he wanted to hug me but then he sat back and I let out a slight sob. I then brought my knees to my chest and curled in on myself, wishing for the millionth time I had Jessica or Gemma or even Ed here right now. I recollected myself and continued. "My Dad - he had just left. Cheated on mom. I was too young to know that back then but I know it now. Mum had to work hard for us to get by. Dad had left back the house but still it wasn't easy for mum to keep paying for stuff for herself and two kids." As soon as I said this everyone's faces morphed to a confused one and I sighed lightly, looking away from the boys in an attempt to hide my pain, " I have a sister. Or actually had one. Don't know what it counts as anymore." I sobbed loudly at the thought and I closed my eyes for a moment as memories of Gemma and I flashed past my mind. Suddenly, I felt Louis' arms around me. I gave him a watery smile to express my gratitude. He seemed to realize what he had done because he pulled away slowly and said, "Even if you are cheating on me with Jessica, know I love you with everything I have." I protested weakly, "I'm not cheating Lou. I'm explaining myself. D-Don't draw conclusions before I finish." Something seemed to snap in Louis because he retorted, "Yeah right. You love me. Perhaps that's why I never knew about your sister. I bet Jessica knows about her." I felt myself break. Talking about Gemma was difficult for me and Louis was making it hell. "Can I speak? Please?" I said controlling myself from having a fit. I kept reminding myself that I couldn't do that anymore; not the way I used to do it with Jessica and Gemma.

Louis was about to retort when Niall said, "Continue Harry." I would have been grateful but the icy tone that Niall used pierced my heart and I just wanted to disappear. But I spoke; I had to defend myself; I couldn't lose Louis - he was my life and the only person left for me apart from Mum and Ed. I spoke again, "Gemma was 6 and a lot more understanding. She was in school already. So she would go to school and then come to daycare while I spent my entire days there. Gemma practically raised me there. However, while Gemma was at school, I needed a friend and Jessica and I built a bond at a young age. We could barely talk but we grew close somehow."  Niall interrupted me here, "Why was Jessica in day-care the whole time?" I laughed darkly as I remembered the note Jessica had written before she left us forever. "I didn't know till just before I shifted here actually. Jessica was an "accident". Her parents didn't want her but her maternal grandmother refused to let them abort her; kill her. They gave birth to her but they didn't give a fuck about her. Her parents did love each other but they never cared for her." I knew my voice probably reflected hatred and pain but I remember how Jessica's parents never gave her gifts or attended her performances. And later when I knew the whole truth it was too late... I sighed and continued, "Anyways when we were three, we were both coincidentally put in the same school. On the first day, we saw each other at the gates and immediately came together. We were honestly both mischievous. My mom yelled after me but I ran to her anyways and she did the same until we met in the middle. Gemma was the one who assured mum it was okay. It was on our way to class when we saw a short boy. He had bright orange hair and he hid behind his mum. For some reason Jessica was drawn towards him and I followed her. The boy was so quiet and timid but we befriended him and it just seemed perfect despite how different he was between the two of us. Perhaps we needed him, Jessica and I could be rowdy and out of control and  we were so similar that when our opinions differed we fought. That's when Ed helped us and gave a logical intermediate solution. Over the years, we bonded. As self-conceited as it sounds, though we were naughty we were the teachers' pets. We were kind and helpful though it was mainly Ed. As we reached 6th year, I had rubbed off on Ed and he became naughty - Jessica was the one who was kind and sweet then. I was the one who was always tongue and cheek with the teachers and the other two saved my ass." I let out a pained chuckle. Then a few tears ran down my cheeks as I remembered why Jessica had calmed down. I only came to know the reason much later and as I recalled it I felt sick. Louis looked at me with squinted eyes, "What changed - you are too nice now. I can't imagine you being tongue and cheek." I shook my head softly, "Let me speak in order, I don't want to jump in the stories besides its a bit harder to explain the later part." Louis furrowed his eyebrows but I continued, "We were popular - we all were brilliant at music, Ed and I had learnt the guitar and we began teaching Jessica. We all could sing well - especially Jessica - she had the voice of an angel. We all had a way with words and were substantially good at writing songs - I personally thought Ed was the best. We all complemented each other so well. We were called the golden trio - like Harry Ron and Hermione." Louis spoke - "You're Harry, Harry Potter. Ed was Ron Weasley because of his red hair and sense of humor and Jessica was Hermione Granger for her Hair and intelligence." I nodded and Louis seemed to understand a bit.

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