Chapter 13 - Harry POV

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Guys... thanks a ton for 100 reads... Honestly I don't care if other's books have way more reads, just knowing there are people out there reading my stuff is great. Keep reading, voting and commenting!

Ed opened the door and I immediately ran and hugged the person at the door. However, to my utmost horror, the person I hugged was clearly a man and that too a man too thin to be Liam. When I looked up, to my embarrassment, the guy was a postman. Ed and Louis began cackling while I stood on the side feeling utterly humiliated. There was also a small painful part of me that told me, "Perhaps, Gemma won't come. Maybe Liam will ask her to come but she's still angry." I suppressed the thoughts and the tears but Louis, who was magically in tune with my emotions, immediately came to my side while Ed collected the parcel from the still shocked postman. Louis gently rubbed my palm, "What's wrong love?" He whispered and I sighed, "What if Gemma doesn't come? What if she is still angry with me? I'm just so nervous, it's been so long - what if she doesn't like the new me? She was my world Lou; she was everything for me. I didn't show it - I masked it with anger but mum knew that Gemma leaving had absolutely killed me. And know she's back and I'm afraid something will go wrong. I can't get so close and lose her again." Louis simply pecked my cheek, "It'll be fine love. If you have known Gemma forever, I have known Liam for equally long. He thinks over stuff a thousand times before saying and I know he isn't lying if he says Gemma misses you." I hugged him and he held me tight. Suddenly, there was clicking sound and when I turned around I saw Ed wearing a cheeky grin his phone in hand. "Awww, you two are just the cutest." He cooed and Louis and I blushed.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. This time I was too humiliated to run to the door again. I took a deep breath and Louis squeezed my hand in comfort. The moment Ed opened the door, a figure barreled itself at me nearly knocking me over. I hugged her tight, feeling comforted and young and childish again. I smiled as tears of joy trickled down my cheeks. Gemma pulled away and ruffled my hair. "So, someone grew out there hair longer than usual. It suits you." She squeezed my cheeks and the way she was so casual and normal with me made it feel like we were just meeting after a few days and that the whole fight never happened. I laughed as she then turned to Ed and ruffled his hair before they hugged. I noticed that somewhere in this chaos, Liam and Lou had moved next to each other and Liam was talking to Louis. Louis however was looking at me. I cocked an eyebrow in his direction and nodded towards Liam. He blushed at being caught staring and he looked away.

"He seems like a sweet guy. Liam occasionally told me about him and how he'd genuinely need a calm partner or hell would break loose. I'd never imagine you both would get together. I honestly never imagined you would become so quiet. I mean, what exactly changed after Jessica died and I left?" I was initially startled when I found Gemma whispering beside me. Then I noticed Ed was missing. "Shit," I muttered, "Did you see Ed?" I asked Gemma panicking. "Nah" Gemma said casually, "But it was a good attempt to change the conversation. I still want to know what changed. We might have fought and been separate but I believe at hear we're still close." I was really grateful to know Gemma still thought of me as her own but I was panicking about Ed, "1 sec." I said rushing up the stairs. The bathroom door was locked and I knocked trying to reassure myself Ed had just gone to the bathroom. Ed came out almost immediately. Before I could open my mouth he said, "I didn't. I almost did but I stopped myself and you came at a good time." I hugged Ed tight and he chuckled slightly, "Love you too mate."

Ed and I went back down and Louis mouthed a, "Every thing okay?" to me. I nodded and he smiled slightly. However, I was receiving most attention from Gemma who looked between Ed and I with squinted eyes. Then she said jokingly, "Haz, you do know you're dating Lou right? Hope you're not still dating Ed in your head." She meant it to come off playful but with the state Ed was in, the suspicions Lou less than a week back and the fact that she had reopened an old wound just built up the fear within me. I looked at Lou and Ed both. Louis was slightly confused and though he was trying to mask his sadness, it was visible. He clearly felt cheated because I had left out yet another part of me. Ed was confused and he said, "You liked me?" The shock was evident in his voice and it felt like I was betraying everyone. "Yeah, Ed I liked you. More than a friend. Remember when I became closer to Jessica and move a bit away from you? I was afraid I'd mess our friendship. You're the reason I found out I was gay. Only Gemma knew. I was going to tell Jessica but she told me she liked you and I didn't want you guys to have any problems because I knew you liked her too." I turned to Louis, "Sorry, I-I know I should have not told you but it was buried in the past. It was always a sore topic for me. I had cried in Gemma's arms about it and no one knew. I swear I don't like Ed in that way anymore. It's just I had forgotten about it since ages and I swear you're the only one I care about."

Lou nodded and I could seethe doubt and sadness in his eyes disappear. Ed spoke now, having overcome the initial shock, "So you usedto like me and you still tried to get me and Jessica together." He lookedstunned and I just nodded. "Didn't it kill you? I mean if you and Jessica likedeach other and I liked Jessica, I would have died." I nodded again not saying aword. I knew Ed was trying to appreciate me, be nice but it was like salt on awound and I couldn't bear to stay in that room. I needed to be alone to sortout my thoughts and fresh air seemed like a great idea. "Guys, you catch up. I'lljust take a walk. Want some fresh air." I immediately had four concerned facesstaring at me. "Just a walk, guys, I'll be back." Ed and Gemma nodded, I didthis all the time back when I was younger but Louis was concerned, "Sure Haz?" Iresponded with a yes and pulled on my coat before stepping into the cool eveningbreeze, my phone in my pocket. I just walked clearing my mind and I didn'tnotice when my legs had carried me to the treehouse. Tears sprung to my eyes seeingthe place and a voice in me told me to climb up, maybe get a final closing. So,with tears in my eyes, my breath uneven I began climbing the old ladder which Iused to once race up on a daily basis

Sorry I'm so late... I won't update tomorrow either.... I'm behind with the story and exams are coming up so it's so difficult to update... This story will get updates though, maybe a bit late but it will be continued and I will try to update a bit more often. I absolutely love it's plot and I want to know your opinions so far so I can improve.

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