Chapter 12 - Harry POV

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Sorry I'm late to update but life sucks. 

I could have done this in a Louis POV but since all the chapters so far are Harry POV, I think I'll keep it that way... I might add 1 Louis POV later if it's needed but I like that the entire story is from 1 POV.

I gulped slightly, my face tinging slightly red as I remembered the last (and only) time we had met. Liam, however, didn't notice me as he gave Louis a big hug and that's when I realized this guy was Louis' third best friend, the genius who had left them behind while shifting for work. Liam met Gemma, just before Jessica died and I shifted so I never knew him well. I met Louis just after he fell out of touch with Liam so he never showed me any pictures. It was sheer coincidence that after everything, we met here in Holmes Chapel where the whole fiasco started. Liam and Louis parted from the hug and Louis said, "Li, this is my boyfriend, Ha-" Before he could finish, Liam said, "Harry Styles." His voice was calm and there wasn't a trace of anger or contempt. "How's Lou been treating you? Have you told him everything?" I was stunned for a moment. He literally held no hatred after all the stuff I said back then, "Yeah and yeah." I responded to both questions. Finally, the curiosity got too much, "Why don't you hate me?" Liam smiled and it was almost annoying how sweet this guy was. "I realized my timing back then was bad so I tried to fix it but I've realized some things can only be healed with time. I knew that whatever you said then was just you releasing some of the pent up emotions. The anger you had within you wasn't really at me but at the unfairness the world posed to Jessica by giving an angel like her such terrible parents. I let you release your pent up emotion because I could see that you were terribly upset." I pondered for a moment. Liam was right till a great extent, I really wasn't angry at him but at God who framed such a cruel life for such an innocent person. Then I said, "Gemma knew me better, she still got angry. Why?" The question held no anger or contempt I just was curious. This guy was clearly magically enlightened or something and I had questions I wanted answered since so long, "Maybe Gemma knew you better before but in her eyes you were the kind, caring but cheeky boy. But death changes people, especially of someone who means so much. Honestly, when you insulted me you went beyond cheeky - borderline rude. It shocked Gemma. She had never seen this side of you. People do anything to protect those they love and in that moment she defended me and in her anger she stormed out."

"So...." Louis said breaking the thoughtful silence that had fallen, "Liam is your sister's boyfriend?" Liam immediately corrected, "Fiancé." I gasped immediately. "When did you propose and is Gemma still so angry at me that I wasn't invited to the wedding or even told about it?" My voice wavered slightly. Liam immediately pouted, resembling a sad puppy. "You are invited. Gemma came here to meet Anne. She hadn't spoken to her since the day she left. The mother daughter were making amendments and the plan was Gemma would head to your place after and apologize for her behavior that say. Why would you think you're not invited and if you think Gemma's still angry with you you're quite mistaken. She actually was nervous to meet you again. She regrets leaving you when she did and the thought of you rejecting her terrifies her." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Louis rolling his eyes, "Gosh, why are you Styles kids so self-doubting?" He hooked his arm around Liam and said, "Sooo, who would have thought the genius Payno would get himself a girl?" Liam blushed slightly and Louis and I laughed. "Lou, get your boy for good and we'll be family soon." This time Louis turned red and quiet. A few more minutes of catching up and we parted ways. Liam offered to come over to Anne's but I wasn't mentally prepared not yet.

Liam then asked me if Gemma and him could come over to Ed's to talk and with an encouraging look from Louis I finally agreed. I was nervous to meet Gemma; would she have changed or would she be the same caring and funny person she was and would she recognize the person I'd become? Doubts flowed through my mind as we walked to Ed's door. Louis seemed realize as he put an arm around my waist and I leant into the touch. We reached the door and rang the bell and I immediately heard the thundering of footsteps as Ed headed down. However, instead of my usual warm welcome, I was greeted by a furious Ed, "You brat, Styles, you changed my password. I can't log into twitter now. I realized yesterday but I wanted my revenge in person." I gulped and tried to hide behind Louis' tiny frame but eventually I raced up the stairs trying to hide with Ed hot on my heels. I quickly rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. Suddenly, Ed's footsteps stopped and I heard him mutter, "Shit," I turned around generally when I saw the reason for his exclamation, "There was a bloody blade still lying in the sink with dried blood near it. I stepped out of the bathroom slowly and saw Louis still at the door, confused why everything had gone quiet while Ed stood in front of the door a guilty expression on his face. "You didn't call, didn't ask for help. When was this?" I askes slightly exasperated. "Last night." Ed muttered, "I relived the scene in the tree house." I winced. I used to have that night mare for ages. It was always the same. Me running to the tree house and seeing blood stains on the floor and re reading Jessica's suicide note, hearing Ed's heart piercing sobs while I stood frozen unable to believe what was written.

I hugged Ed tightly and I felt my shirt dampen slightly with his tears and I hated this all. He was the strong calm composed one while I was more emotional. It took everything in me not to fall apart as Ed and I sat in the living room. Louis must have caught hang of what happened because he came in and sat next to me, rubbing my free hand. I was so grateful for how sweet and calm he could be when I needed it. When Ed relaxed he said, "So Lou, Haz told you the entire story. I told him to tell ya everything ages ago. He used to speak to me about how well you treated him and I knew back then you guys were in love." I blushed and Louis smiled at the ground. "Anyways guys, what shall we do today unless you plan to sit about like someone's died." That's when I couldn't take it anymore and I mumbled an excuse about having to use the bathroom before leaving. Ed was trying to be his old self so hard, be cheerful for our sake but I could see past the façade. I could see the dark circles under his eyes that showed his lack of sleep and I could see how he winced occasionally because of his cuts. I could tell that his voice was still uneven and nasally because he had been crying and it hurt to see my best friend so broken. When I came out of the bathroom, I could hear Ed and Louis talking quietly about me but I couldn't make out much because in that very moment, the bell rang.

Dun...Dun...Dun.... It's great to see a couple of people reading but I'd be real glad if you  comment and vote too guys

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