Chapter 5

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Grace (p.v.o)

Soo this is what happen when I was unconscious for a week.

The cloud which were dark and was protecting us from the sun, now decided to pour. It was pouring, the sound of the water drops hitting the shed of the car filled my ears. The thunder strike sound was perfect for background music. The tention in the car was so thick you could cut it with knife. As the lump in my throat was tightening I couldn't handle this anymore soo I got off the car.

The rain water soaked me from up to bottom. The cold wind making my wet body shiver but this was nothing in the comparison of what Ayden has suffered because of me.

Did I made a wrong decision?, should I had just give up on my life then may be..... maybe I would have been there for him when he needed me the most.

Now every words spoken by him made sense. I finally understood why he hate me soo much. It's normal for him to hate me for destroy his life. Who knows he might have achieved something great in his life if I just decided to give up and live my ordinary life.

I shouldn't had screamed at him earlier, he was right. I'm the one who should be blamed for everything.

"Grace it's raining let's talk inside" uncle said.

"You even want to talk now"


The water pool started forming in my eyes.
"After what we did to him , you still want to talk"

"You didn't any thing intentionally"

"It doesn't matter whether I did it intentionally or not, the only thing matter is I'm the reason for this mess."


"Yess and I don't want to run away.
Let's not repeat the same thing again uncle. I..."
I tried to talk between my sobbing.

"I don't blame you uncle , I do understand why you made those decisions but now..I want to make things right"

"But grace think about the outcomes."

"Even if the outcomes are not in our favor, still I will make things right."

"Grace think carefully"

"He's the reason"


"He's the reason why I decided to fight, not to give up on my life. He gave me a reason to live. I'm alive infront of you, is just because of him....Soo if you want to help your welcome but if you doesn't want to , don't make things more complicate."
Just with that I walked to my car and ride to my home.

After drying out I sat on the floor. The floor is freezing and I can't believe Ayden is spending his time on this freezing floor. I stood up and trun off the heater. The warmness of the room was replaced by coolness.

Shit I can't imagine how Ayden spend 1 month in this condition, even when he was innocent. I can't let him spend his time like this. I took my phone and called one of my friend.

"Hello grace"

"Hii Jessi "
Jessi is top lawyer in the law world.

"Everything is fine right?"

"Noo nothing is... Fine Jessi"

"Why? what happen? is this again about your relatives, if it is just tell me, this time I'm going to sue them."

"Noo, unfortunately it's not them"


"It's me"

"What?? What do you mean by its you?"

"Let's meet, I'll tell you everything."

"Ok let's meet in your home"

"In my home"

"Hmm why?"

"Nothing but it's urgent Jessi, I know your busy but I'm sorry, I'm aware I shouldn't be doing this but Jessi it's really urgent."

"It's ok babe, friends are my top priority, I'll there in a 6 hours"

'Thank you so much"

"Heyyy it's nothing and by the way anything for a friend."

I ended the call.
Jessi will be here in 6 hours and I'm really tried, maybe I should take a nap. I lay on the couch and was about to fall in slumber but I remember, Ayden is not sleeping on the couch then how can I . I lay on the floor. The warmness of my skin was now completing eaten by the coolness of the floor. The coolness in the atmosphere caused me shrink in a small ball and just like that I fell in the slumber.

"Soo tell me how can I help you?"

"Jessi listen carefully what I'm going to tell you"
And like this I told her whole story.

"Shit.. this is wrong"

"I know that's why I want put everything in there right position."

"Soo what you need me to do?"

"I want you to reopen Ayden case"
I tell her as my toes start tapping the floor.

"Grace I genuinely want to help you but I can't just set re- trail of any case like that, there are some protocols we have to follow."


"Since the suspect has already been proved to be guilty , we need a very strong evidence to proof that Ayden is innocent"
Evidence how am I going to collect the evidence.

"Don't worry about that"


"Don't worry about the evidence, I'll give you that."

"Ok then I will start the process of re- trail"

"Yes, thank you so much Jessi"

"Hey it's ok, that's what friends are for"


"But Grace remember, I'll submit the request of re- trail tomorrow soo you need to collect the evidence before day after tomorrow"

"Ok I understand"

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