Chapter 7

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"Will this work? " I asked Jessi.

"Noo" she answered making me heart to go crazy.


"Are you kidding me Grace , this is perfect evidence to prove Ayden innocent."
The footage I got from the SD card perfectly showed Ayden being with me on that specific time when the Crime took out.

"Soo?" I asked.

"I already submitted the application for retrial and it got accepted since I pretended to have an evidence."

"I'm sorry for making you to do that"

"Noo it's ok since you really found the evidence"

" Soo"

"The chief minister of justice was my good friend so I request her to set the day of the trial as soon as possible."

" did she agreed?"


"Wow thank you soo much Jessi!!"

"My pleasure so the day for the trial is"


"Day after tomorrow"

"Day after tomorrow!"


I'm soo happy, if everything went right, Ayden will be in his home in next 72 hours and will continue he's life with a fresh start.

Today is Ayden trail and I'm very nervous. I know we will definitely win this case but I don't know why my mind is playing different worst scenarios.

"Are you sure you want to sit here?"

We were inside the Court while Jessi offered me sit infront I declined her telling I will sit at back and wore Black hoodie and mask soo he can't identify me.

"The judge is coming"
We all stood from our seats, after all the formalities Judge ordered to bring the Ayden, he entered inside the Court room and sat in the left side with Jessi.

"Let the trial begin"
The prosecutor stood up and came in front of the judge.

"My lord, may I have permission to give introduction about the case today we are going deal with?"

"Permission granted"

"Thank you my lord."

"My lord this is Ayden katz. Who has been proven guilty in the past. Ayden is proved to killed a family specifically speaking, a 6 year boy , 10 year girl , a male and a female has been killed by Ayden." Prosecutor continued.

"I didn't" Ayden interrupted him.

"Well that's what you think Mr. Katz.
But my lord since Court believe on proofs, evidence and doesn't work on the assumption and theory. Our team searched the whole Crime scene and found the evidence which proves, the Crime took place on the day 29/07/2020 was committed by Ayden katz."

A footage of man entering in a building was showed infront of everyone.

"As you see my lord this footage was found by officers from the cctv of the building where the Crime took palce, the footage showed a men in white hoodie entering inside and exiting from the building but it didn't showed his face since the footage only captured criminal back face."

"But after searching more we found the a similar white colour hoodie which had blood spots on it, in a dustbin which was 9 blocks away from the place where actually Crime took place."

"My lord we sent the evidence to the lab and got the DNA samples from it and confirmed the white hoodie is not similar but it is the exact hoodie we watched in the footage, Ayden DNA matched 100% with the DNA we got from the white hoddie."

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