Chapter 3

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"He is  a Criminal"

Mr. Madden said just 1 sentence, this 1 sentence turned my world upside-down.
The stranger I like a lot is a........Criminal.
I don't know what to say. I...I...I'm shocked? Maybe.

One second I can't judge him just because he's Criminal. There are some Criminals who regrets on the crime they have committed.

"Mr. Madden?" I called him.


"Can you?"


"I didn't even complete"

"I know what are you going to ask"

"Mr. Madden"

"No means no"

"But why?"

"The date of launching the project are near and I don't want controversy about you meeting a Criminal.". He confessed.

"Ok, think.."

"Grace if..if someone found you meeting a Criminal, it will really affect the reputation of our company." Again he explained.

"Ok, listen to me first"


"I want to meet Ayden"


"Listen to me first" I requested.

"Arrange a meeting of him with me" I finally told him.


"I know you can do this" I definitely know Mr. Madden has a very long connection in the system.

"Doesn't mean I'm going to"

"Mr. Madden please please!!"


"Please!!! Just for 2 hours" I bargained but he ignored.

"Please my favourite uncle" I used my joker card. Now he can't declined my request.



"Ok"  finally I convinced him.

"Thank you so much"

"Just for 2 hours"


"Be careful"


"Grace no one should recognise you"


"Mam please wait here, we will bring prisoner 98CD21 now," the officer told me.


"Just confirming, you can meet him. However after 2 hours you have to leave."

"I'm aware"

"Yes mam"
The officer went out leaving me by myself, alone in the room.

Mr. Madden used his connection and set the meeting of me with Ayden for just 2 hours.

I told I want to meet him but right now I don't think I can do this. Shit... Why I'm getting a feeling that this is not right , maybe I'm rushing things.

Noo, just breath just breath, you can do this, this has to be happen today or someday soo let's face it now.

Yes, but what should I say to him??, Should I tell him 'hi, it's me grace the women who you kissed on the rainy day!'. No this not good, I rather die than saying this to him.

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