Chapter 4

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"Let me tell you something you are really a bitch, hypocrite, selfish women. Don't show your face again maybe I'll not control myself next time and kill you with my own hands. "

Why he wants to kill me?, why why why... How in the world I'm a bitch? , How I'm a hypocrite? , How I'm a selfish women.
Howww howw please someone tell me.



Please tell me why everything is going wrong.


Where I was wrong?.


I just wanted to live my life with the person I like.


Please someone tell me.


"Please!!!" I screamed.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by one of my employer.
Shit I zoned out during the meeting.

"I'm sorry" I apologized.

"It's ok mam"

"Noo, it's not okay"

"We understand mam"

"Noo I always tell you guys to be attentive and.."

'You are a hypocrite'
Am I really a hypocrite women.
I always tell my employee to be attentive but here I'm lost in my own thoughts instead of concentrating on the work.
Unknowingly, maybe unknowingly I'm being the exact women what Ayden mentioned.

"It's ok mam"

"Noo I'm sorry everyone, you guys can go but leave all the files and the presentation here. I will go through every hardwork you guys did by yourself."

"Ok mam"
They all stood up and were leaving my office.

"Hey Lucas?" I called one of employer.

"Yes mam?"

"Can you please inform Mr. Madden to come to meet me right now"

"Ofcourse mam"

"Grace you called me" Mr. Madden entered inside my office.


"What happened?"

"Something's very wrong"
He raised his left eyebrow in the response.

Ayden acusing me is not a mistake but maybe it's me who is unfamiliar to the truth. Maybe there is something I'm not familiar with it but Mr. Madden definitely is.

"What are you hiding uncle?"
I address him uncle instead of Mr. Madden because I don't want to talk on this topic formally.

"Nothing" he said as folded his hand.

"Oohh ok"
I walked in the balcony.



"The wheather is too nice"

"Yes, it is nice"
It's not sunny or rainy but the dark clouds cover the sun like a bedsheet.
The wind is just perfect.

"Yes uncle the whether is too nice for someone to commit Suicide"

Before uncle reach to me I sat on the railing of the balcony.

"What are you doing??"

"I asked you , what are you hiding?"

"Nothing, now come down"

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