12.'The first day to dreams'

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Time: 7:00Am (morningsun)
Location: kim's apartment, livehouse society

Two bunnies sleeping on bed, cuddling each other. The boy being small spoon and girl hugging him from back being big spoon, both have adorble pout on their lips as they sleeping without any tension in life.

Taehyunie opened the door slowly as she smiled looking at two tiny babies, she walked toward bed as she gently patted both heads, "good morning babies...time to wakeup. Today you going to university remember" she said in gentle tone to not startled two while they are sleeping.

Junggukie whimpered a little while jungkook just turn and hide his face in pillow whining. "Stop whining little ones..you have to wakeup" taehyunie said removing duvet from two.

Junggukie opened her eyes which still filled with sleep and look at elder while rubbing her eyes yawning cutely. Taehyunie chukled as she flinched girl's chin, "good morning babygirl..."

"Morning unnie..." she said still yawning as she climb down from bed and stand in legs of elder who satting at edge of bed, pecked taehyunie's both cheeks and hugged elder with her small arms.

Taehyunie being taken back alittle with latter's actions but nevertheless smiled slightly, her hands placed on bed, "why so clingy in morning...hmm" she asked teasingly as she patt girl's butt. Junggukie pout madly as he push elder away, "fine now i will not hug noona.." she said and run inside the washroom.

Taehyunie laughed loudly as she leaned to bathroom door,"you and me both know better that you can't stop clinging on me babygirl.." she said little loudly so junggukie can easily hear who was leaning at other side of door.

Junggukie bit her bottom lip feeling shy because she also know what elder said was true. She wants to be close with elder, she already know that her heart liked elder not just as big unnie or a friend but something else. Her heart is always running fast whenever she is near latter, even more fast than a train.

Junggukie shook her head as she moved to washbasin to brush her teeths. Hearing water running voice, taehyunie also walked out of room, not disturbing the bunny boy sleep.

"They wakeup??" Taehyung asked from kitchen side to taehyunie when he saw her coming out of bedroom. "Gukkie wakeup but your baby koo doesn't want to wakeup at all..." she said using teasing tone.

Taehyung roll his eyes as he remove kitchen apron from his body and placedit on table, "you take kitchen..i will just come after waking him up and....he is not mine" taehyung mumbled last sentence while latter just laughed.

Going in room, taehyung smiled looking at cute baby, "good morning koo...wakeup now" jungkook whined hiding his face under pillow again.

Taehyung chukled as he remove duvet from him and pick him as koala and walked to his side of bathroom. As always brushing sleepy babies teeth and then filled bathtub for boy. Because jungkook doesn't like shower he always use tub to wash or more like love to play in water.

"Okay koo baby...bathtub is filled now.. wakeup and bath" taehyung said patting his soft bread cheek's lightly. He felt jungkook shook his head and buried his face in his neck.

"Come on koo... stop being stubborn. You will get late for your first day at university. Do you want that??" Jungkook whined as he pull his face from his neck and look at taehyung with pouty face.

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