38.'chance to friendship'

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Location: kim's apartment, livehouse society

The soft 'TAPTIP' sound as raindroplets collide with the glass windows of room, was continuously disturbing taehyunie sensitive ears that she wouldn't help but finally open her eyes while groaning in annoyance as her arms caging grip around her sleeping babygirl become tight.

Opening her eyes as the first those brown orbs witnessed was a ethreal angel sleeping in elder's arm, with her face so close to latter's face that even little movement amd two's lips will be saying hello to each other.

A soft boxy smile forming on her lips as she pecked rosy red bottom lip which was jiggled out because of cute pout adoring bunnygirl's lips.

Its just a blissful feeling everyday wakingup to a adorable bunny angel sleeping in her arms. Taehyunie sighed as her eyes fixed on the ethreal view blithely. Thinking back, she never in real life imagined having a lover or partner, it was always about revenge nothing else.

Now a days her mind is playing and planning so many things for her lover for their future. The word 'future' itself give very giggly feelings inside her mind. She had planned so much, all the amazing stuff and prefect events for her babygirl, even the prefect wedding her lover wants she planned it all.

However like they say before every silence is a storm but after every storm a new sun rises again to shine. Its silence now, so before new sun can rise and shine everyone will have to go through hurricane, even them.

Taehyunie can't step back now, when she and her brother are so close to their revenge. She knew what her babygirl or kookie will have to go through along with them or away from them but since younger twins were already part of their lives, they will have to pay a suitable price too so that they can live their whole life peacefully.

Just that moment she heard her brother's words ringing her brain. "Hey, you up??" The question was asked in soft tone as she mindlinked with just a hum.

"Okay, meeting in basement soon" he linked as taehyunie replied back "i remember it, don't worry will back in few." And cutted the link.

Taking five minutes more so that she can fill her energy banks by staring at her angel baby, then went to bathroom to freshup.

After getting ready, she pecked sleeping junggukie's lips and forehead before heading for roomdoor. Meeting her brother just outside the room door, two give a simple nodd to each other for wishing purposes and head downstairs.

Everyone was still sleeping since it was still early in morning, also raining cats and dogs outside. As they descended on groundfloor, two witnessed namjoon and hoseok sleeping on the 'L' shaped couch with namjoon on the long side and his feets on hoseok's face who took the short side so his have legs were edging out of couch, hanging in air.

Last night, it was decided that first guestroom will be taken by jeon couple and next to it for namjin where as taekook and hyungukkie can adjust in one room since they had done it before too so hosjen can sleep in one of younger twins's room.

But well obviously Jung-jae would never let two perverted man sleeping next to his lovely babies so ofcourse he kicked both in livingroom as he told kim twins that they don't have to compromise and sleep uncomfortably at all as jennie and jin can sleep together in 2nd guestroom whereas hoseok and namjoon can sleep on floor all they want.

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