• Chapter 1 •

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𝑨𝒏 𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍
𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏.



“Lalisaa!” I'm here in the hallway walking alone. A girl voice caught my attention. I quickly look behind and put a smile on my face.

“Chikin what's up?” I chuckle. She pouted and hit my shoulder. “What?” I added with tease

“I've been looking for you for a while,” She rolled her eyes and “Where were you?” She asked.

“Chu, I just arrived here 10 minutes ago. Of course you can't find me if i wasn't here” I replied and laughed.

“Really? But you always come here early. I can't believe you came here late? what did you do?” She raised her eye brows and look at me with a tease

“Yah! is not that late, It's already 8:15am and our class will be starting at 8:30am” I explained.

“Ugh whatever you say.”

“Where is rosie?” I pouted

“Oh about that..” She looks down and bit her lip “I don't know where is she either”

“What? But you-” My words was interrupted because someone spoke behind me and we both looked at each other,

“Lisa, I'm here!”

“Rosie!” She run towards me and hugged me tightly “Where were you? Chu is looking for you” I smile and her both hand was still wrapped around my waist

“Oh Nothing, Nothing” She replied and pull out the hugged

“Aw okay”

“Lis?, Where's Jennie?” Jisoo asked

“She's already inside, waiting for us” I replied “Let's go, shall we?” I added and i held rosie's hand and went to the classroom.


We went to our class which is all of us were same sub, We went inside. I saw jennie staring through the window. Jisoo spoke making jennie look at her. jennie finally saw jisoo in front she smiled and wave her hand.

Rosie and I went to our table, She sat beside me, I stare at her lovely. But then she caught me staring at her, she let out a small giggles. That giggle was the most helle cute from me.

“So... You will just stare at me for the whole day, Than listening to our Prof?”She asked me teasingly.  “You seem to be more interested in me than to our prof?” She added

I cleared my throat and back to my sense

“You're so beautiful, And i can't help it. So you had no choice if I'll stare at you whole day”

I replied, And she cover her face using her blonde hair. I saw her blushed. It makes me fall in love even more

“Yah, Thank you.” She spoke and still covering her face.

“Come on, don't hide your face. I want to see your tomato face” I chuckled, she looks at me and hit my shoulder playfully.

“Aw my baby rosie~” I added and spoke cutely.

My heart beats more faster after i felt her plump lips press on my cheek. She just kissed my cheek. I froze and rosie took out a chuckle.

“Thankfully you stop” Rosie whispered

“Lisa? Roseanne? Are you both listening?” Prof caught our attention as he suddenly spoke while looking at us seriously. We both nodded and back to his explanation.

“Almost..” Rosie tease. I pinch her waist and she chuckle.

“Yes!” I stretch my both shoulder, Finally it's lunch time! Our classes officially end this day.

“Yah! Aren't you done yet? Let's go, I'm hungry!” Rosie whine, while me still putting my things inside my bag.

“Almost done rosie, Where's chu and jennie unnie?”  I asked and finally done.

“They're waiting outside, Come on!” She replied and dragging me outside

“Guys, What do you want to eat?” I looked at them and they began to speak and ordered some food.

“Can i get more chicken? Please, pretty lady?” Jisoo asked, I widen my eyes and tap jisoo's shoulder but she didn't mind to look at me.

“Jisoo are you serious?” Jennie asked while looking at jisoo with a shocked reaction.

“Of course,” Jisoo smiles at jennie, rosie and i laughed at jennie's reaction

“Lisa, How about you. What would you like to eat?” Rosie asked me,

“Uhm anything, I'm not that hungry.” I  smiled with forced

“No! You need to eat! Now tell me what would you like to eat?” She wrapped her both hand to my right shoulder and waiting for my answer.

“Anything...” I replied directly

“Why do i feel something strange, Are you mad at me?” She pouted

“No, rosie. I'm not mad, okay? Order what you want to eat. I just don't have appetite” I said with no emotions, I don't know why. But it's not because of them.

“Stop being rude or cold towards me! I'm not used to it. Come on, be tender to me! Be sweet to your rosie.” she pouted and hugs me tightly

Who's person who wouldn't fall in love to this woman?

Aw, I'm sorry...” I says softly and kissed her forehead.

“Don't do that again..” She replied and let of the hug

“Okay, Okay” I smile sweetly

Rosie and I ordered our food, we went to our table and began to eat.

“Lisa! Let's go to the arcade later, please?”  Rosie says cutely

“Mhm.. why?” I replied munching my food

“Because I want, Please. Please?” She looked at me with her puppy eyes.

“Okay then, Chu and jen unnie. Wanna come?” I said softly

“Sure, I have nothing do to, so why not to come and have fun” Jennie replied

“Me too, Me too”  Jisoo raised her right hands, Eating her chickens.

“Yes! Thank you, Lisa!” Rosie spoke, She smile at me sweetly. And i nod

Anything for you, my love.

Chaelisa "Enough"Where stories live. Discover now