• Chapter 2 •

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"Lisa, there! Come on"

Rosie yelled dragging me towards inside the arcade. I saw jennie and jisoo unnie already playing and minding their own business. Rosie went to the cashier Buying some enough tokens. I can see her wide beautiful smile that makes me feel comfortable and more in love with this girl in front me.

"Hmm, You're good at this. I'm not gonna lie rosie" I respond let out a chuckle she just looked at me with her sweetly and lovely face. While she handed me a lots of tokens.

She point one of her finger onto Jisoo and Jennie unnie gave her a confused look

"Give them those tokens, I'll come back if I'm already finish"

"okay, See you,"I replied, I saw her nod and she quickly leave


I approached them behind and tap jisoo's
shoulder, They quickly turned around to face me and i smile widely giving them a lots of tokens that rosie told me. Jisoo's eyes widen when she realized.

"Wow! This it too much, lisa!"

"Rosie really loves playing here in arcade. She bought a lots of tokens" Jennie giggles

"She really is, Rosie bought. How are you guys doing?" I asked

"Actually, We had in trouble. My tokens almost consume because of that Bear. I really want it. But thanks to rosie for giving us a lot of tokens," Jennie replied with mixed emotions

"Is that so, Do you want me to get that bear for you?" I says politely

"No need, Lisa. You should find where is rosie and have fun with your girl" Jennie shook her head and chuckle

"No, It's okay jen unnie. She's used to it, actually she doesn't want to bother her when she's playing." I laughed "There was a time that I'm just waiting her outside," I added

Jennie and Jisoo laughed,

"Looks like 10 years old" Jisoo spoke

"Yes," I replied

After 1-2 hours. Jennie, Jisoo and I finally done, Our tokens was officially gone. Jennie finally got her bear she talking about. I suddenly felt worried, Rosie isn't still here yet outside.

I looked around Hoping to see her, But I got no trace. I've been calling her phone number many times, ringing but she doesn't want to answer.

What is happening?

I thought

Jennie and jisoo, Still doing the same calling rosie's phone number. They tap my shoulder i can see their eyes trying to calm me down.

"I-i'll go inside-" I spoke, Was about to go inside but jennie held my hand.

"Shh, Lisa. Can you please calm down a sec?" Jennie says with a concern

"Unnie, I can't calm down. Rosie still wasn't here. I'm going inside" I replied. Jennie let go of my hand and i quickly went inside the arcade.

Chaelisa "Enough"Where stories live. Discover now