• Chapter 17 •

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To: ??

Life puts you down,

Life puts you down to ashes, You really don't know what to do, But, instead of sitting and crying, Go ahead and find something new, Don't just sit there cribbing about life, Coz when you give your hundred percent, You will definitely survive!

From: ??

1 Day Passed


“Somi, You don't like the food?” I asked with concerned, She's been staring and playing to her food.

“Huh? N-no, I just-”

“What are you thinking?” Jennie said directly

“Uhm, A-about y-yester-”

“Somi, I told you. It wasn't your fault, Stop worrying about that, okay? Now eat your food” I says sincerely and she nod slowly

Either way, I still don't know how to explain this to her. She doesn't want me to talk to her, what should I do? I'm hoping she will forgive me. Is she okay? I'm so worried.

I shook my head and continue eating, Jennie notice my emotions and she quickly put her hands on mine and caressing it softly. I smile a bit, By her comfort makes me feel relief at the same time,


Jennie says softly, I looked at her and she show her gummy smile that makes me giggle. How cute? I'm lucky to have you, all  I want to say is. Thank you for everything, Jennie.

“I'm okay, unnie. Thank you for your comfort”

I replied, she nod her head and continue eating, Somi smiles at me. I let out a chuckle and pinched her cheek that makes her whine and pouted.

“Lisa? I will go to the mall, Wanna come?”
Somi wait for my answer and she was a casual dress up.

I shook my head as no, “No, I'll stay here”
She nod and leave, we both jennie and I sat on the couch, here in the living room. I wonder what happened to their date, did somi kissed her boyfriend passionate? Pfft. I let out a chuckle and jennie looked at me confusedly

“Hey? Are you crazy or something?” Jennie widen her eyes

“Sorry,” I chuckled nervously

“What are you thinking?” Jennie tease and I rolled my eyes

“Nothing” I laughed and Jennie wiggle her eyebrows

“You should-” Jennie was about to say something but got interrupted when someone knocked on the door

Knock Knock

I got confused and Look at jennie,

“Did somi forgot something?” I asked

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