• Chapter 28 •

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𝑫𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆



“Baby, Are you okay?” I asked worriedly, glancing at Roseanne

“Why? Of course, I'm okay..”  She wrapped her both arms around my bicep and rest her head

“I bet you're hungry, Let's just wait until–”

I got interrupted when the bell rangs, made us both flinched. Rosie smiles widely after hearing the bell, means the our class is over. She immediately let go of me and stoop up like a kid while grabbed her backpack

“Finally! Class is over!” Roseanne says in excitement and hurriedly leave the classroom, leaving me speechless with my mouth slightly open. I shook my head when i saw how my girlfriend walked to the door

“Hey..uh baby...Wait for me!” I stood up grabbing my backpack and immediately followed the naughty girl

Aish....Roseanne Park
I thought

I was walking down the hallway, Finding my girlfriend. I knew it, she was hungry. I noticed the familiar gesture from distance knowing it was my girlfriend. I run and walk until i finally reached her hand, Roseanne Immediately turned around to face me while pouting

“You left me...” I says in low tone while panting heavily, I can feel i was sweating.

“Oh... Sorry, I'm so hungry..I– i want food” Roseanne says while pouting

I sighs “Where is Jennie and Jisoo?”

“I don't know, Maybe they're already waiting for us” Roseanne says almost whispering, She suddenly went to my back and put her forearms above my shoulders. I got curious and let her do what she wants

“Carry me...” Roseanne said cutely

“No, Roseanne.” I says directly

“Why, You don't love me anymore? Because you already love someone el–”
She didn't finished her words when i quickly carried her behind. My girlfriend giggles and rest her head on my nape

“Let's go and eat.” I says with a little bit annoyed

“Hm, okay! I love you...” Roseanne says softly

“Thanks.” I fake smile and mumble to myself but Roseanne heard it clearly

“I knew it! You don't love me-”

“I love you too, Roseanne” I rolled my eyes and on my way to the cafeteria

“You really mean it?” Roseanne said teasing me

“Yes” I says directly and Roseanne laughed

“Jisoo...Jennie!” I shouted from distance and both of them look at me with their eyes widen

Jennie waved her hand, Telling me to come over. I walk until i finally reached their table, Roseanne immediately let go of me and sit on the chairn and so did i

Chaelisa "Enough"Where stories live. Discover now