• Chapter 15 •

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“Hurry up, I want chicken!” Jisoo whine

“Okay, okay” Somi laughed while her hands still wrapped around lisa's arm, I rolled my eyes and Stood up went to jennie beside her.

We went to the cafeteria and we ordered some food, Lisa's attention wasn't still mine. My blood boiled when I saw somi in front me being clingy to lisa, Did she really trying my patience? I didn't mind and continue eating my food.

I was drinking my water when someone approached me behind, I looked at jennie and she widen her eyes that makes me feel confused. Should I turn around?

“Hi bae, Please. Can we talk? I'm really sorry,”

I closed my eyes and sighed heavily, I stood up and turned my head to face Chanyeol who's begging in front of me.

Too bad, I learned myself. And My biggest regret was loving you,

“Please, say something. Can we talk?”

Chanyeol says with her watery eyes, But It was no use for me to forgive you and give you a chance. My heart was not yours anymore Chanyeol, I want you to know that.

“Where?” I replied

“Chae, are you serious-” Jisoo was about to stop me but i quickly interrupted her

“Unnie, It's fine. I also want to talk to him and it's important.” I says seriously and Jisoo can't do anything, she just nod slowly.

I glance at lisa and somi, I saw somi smirks at me. While lisa looking at me confusedly,

Did somi think I'll give Chanyeol a 2nd  chance? Pftt. In your dreams somi.

I rolled my eyes and looked at chanyeol, Chanyeol nod and leave. But then i followed him behind

Chanyeol stopped in the library, we went inside and I quickly looked at Chanyeol.

“What do you want to talk about?” I asked

“Look, I'm sorry-”

“Okay, That's all?” I says coldly

“No, Bae. It's not what-” He was about to hold my waist when i quickly slapped his cheek that makes his words cut off. But then i looked at her madly

“You don't have the rights to touch me Chanyeol, And Stop calling me bae. I'm not yours anymore!” I says madly and he looked at me with his watery eyes.

“You took advantage of me, Chanyeol!” I shouted “You almost raped me!”

“C-chae, I-i was drunk-”

“Drunk was not the reason, Chanyeol!. In the first place you just want my body not my love” I shouted and slapped him again

“Ba-baby, W-who told you that? Of course i want your love”

“No, You don't. One of your friends sent me a voicemail and you were talking about me, You kept saying you just want my body and not my love” I explained and he looks at me with his widen eyes

“N-no. I-it's not true, Trust me-”

“No, chanyeol. I regret everything, I regret loving you,” I says weakly

“I-im sorry, Please give me a chance”

“No, Sorry.” I said directly makes him shocked

“I see...” Chanyeol shook his head and looked at me “Because of lisa, that's why you can't give me a chance?”

“W-what do you mean?” I asked confusedly

“You are now into girls?”

“Chanyeol,” I says almost mumble

“You can't answer?” Chanyeol giggle “So it's true? You're in love with someone else named lisa,”

“I don't know what are you talking about” I says and avoid his gaze

He laughed and shook his head,

“I love you Roseanne Pa-”

“You can leave now." I says seriously not wanting to continue his words

“Please, Roseanne.” Chanyeol begged

“If you have nothing important to say, You can leave now and I will do the same” I said coldly

We looked at each other, I nod and I quickly went to the cafeteria leaving him inside the library.

I looked around and frown when i didn't saw somi and lisa, I only saw jisoo and Jennie. Where are they? I approached them and they looked at me with concern

“Looking for someone, rosé?” Jennie asked

I nod “W-where is lisa?”

“Oh. She's in the restroom with somi, why?” Jisoo asked confusedly

Restroom? With somi?

I thought

“Excuse me,” I says in hurry and they looked at me confusedly

I can hear jennie shouted my name behind but i didn't mind and quickly run towards the restroom.

Students in the hallway was looking at me confusedly, while my head giving me a lot of questions. I run faster as i can. And I finally reached the restroom,

I quickly opened the door, revealing the two girl inside kissing in front of me. I felt my whole body got pale and My tear escape from my eyes. Seeing my love kissing another girl. My heart breaks into pieces. I looked down and cried silently, hoping i didn't went here.


A weak voice spoke, I slowly lift my head and saw lisa looking at me weakly

R-rosie... L-let m-me expla-”

I didn't finished her words as I quickly turned around leaving them behind.

“Rosie wait!"

I can hear lisa shouted my name, But i quickly run faster while my tears still flowing in my eyes, I went to my car and quickly headed inside.

I punch the steering wheel, I cried and cried harder, sobbing in pain. Remembered the time that I hurt her too.

Do i really deserve this?

I thought

I turn on the engine and drove away, While still crying and sobbing.

I love you so much, lisa.

Chaelisa "Enough"Where stories live. Discover now