• Chapter 5 •

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𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆



I was walking to the hallway when someone grabbed my wrist behind, I quickly turned around and saw rosé.

“Can we talk?” Rosé asked me.

I guess this it the time, to talk to her. To tell my feelings. to move on?

I nod “Where?” I replied

“Rooftop” Rosie respond and we both went to the rooftop

“So, what do you want to talk about?” I asked her sincerely

“I already know the Truth, lisa” She said

“You already know the truth, What else do we need to talk about?” I asked softly

“I- i...” She stutter “Chanyeol and I were now together” she added with her weak voice and looked down

She wants to talk to me and tell me that Chanyeol and her was now officially  together?

So, You just want to talk to me about you and Chanyeol? Congrats then.” I asked weakly.

“It's not like that, Sorry for hurting your feelings lisa.” She spoke and started to cry.

Even though I'm broken, I still don't want to  see her crying. I comfort her and wiping her tears. She hugged me tightly sobbing on my shoulder. I caress her hair gently

“Yah, Stop crying. Rosie” I smile painfully.

“I'm sorry...” She cried ”Don't love me,You don't deserve a person like me.” she added and pulled out the hug

“Then what I'm gonna do? my heart keeps telling it's you. But you keep rejecting me by your words saying not to love you.” my tears started flowing in my eyes.

“Bestfriends? That's all how you felt for almost 9 yrs?” I added and she nod slowly.


“But i loved you for almost 9 yrs, I waited for you, I stare for you so that you can see and feel my feelings.” I looked down

“But i got nothing. Nothing. Nothing.” I added biting my lip. “I shouldn't have loved you. I should've know my limitation”


“Why'd you love him and not me?”

“I-it's not what you think. Of course i love yo-” i interrupted her

“Yeah i know already, You loved me as a friend.” she become silent.

“So, What about my question?” I added

“He makes me feel safe, and I'm really sorry.” She replied and i nod sadly.

And I'm not?

I Thought.

“I don't oblige you to love me back, Just be with him. be with your truly love.” I smiled painfully, wiping my tears.

“B-but how about y-you?” She looks at me and i chuckle

“I'll be fine 'Someday', As long as you're happy.” I replied

“Will you let me?” I added and she looks at me with a concern.

“Let me adore you until one day no more.
Let me tell you how i really feel about you     everyday, until one day there's no more feelings. Let me stare at you like how I stare at the brightest moon every night, until one day so that I can stare at you without my feelings that i used to stare before." I added

”Is that okay to you?” I speak and she nod

She hugged me again and she closed my eyes.

“Maybe my love for you wasn't enough to make you feel the same, but it's enough for you to leave” I added weakly

“Lisa, Don't say that. I won't leave you. We are still bestfriend, right?” Rosie sob

“Of course, Rosie” I says softly.

Chanyeol and rosé already together, I should know my limitations. I want her to be happy even that happiness doesn't include me anymore. And that i will be happy too.

I happy for you rosie. And now it's time for me to value myself.

“Later, Let's have lunch together?” Rosie interrupted my thoughts

“Where is Chanyeol? You should eat lunch together” I chuckled

“Uh.. i don't know, ” Rosie replied

“Aw, You should know where's your boyfriend. Rosie” I respond

I looked at my watch, it's 8:20am. My classes will start at 8:30am, I glance at rosie and forcedly smile

“I'm going now, I have class at 8:30am” I says softly and rosie nod

I kissed her forehead, I wave my hand and went to my class.

Destiny brought as together but Fate drove as apart.


Lunch time!” I stretch my body, and yawned

“Yes, I'm hungry” Jennie yawned “Lis, How are you feeling?” She added looking at me

“I can't tell that I'm okay,” I looked at jennie “Seeing my love of my life was now with someone really breaks my heart.” I added

“Lisa...” Jennie spoke

“Don't worry unnie, I will do my best” I replied and we went to the canteen

It was now 11:23am Jisoo unnie wasn't same class as mine and jennie unnie, She will maybe come out at 12 noon

We continue eating, While i sudden saw rosie and Chanyeol from the other table eating their lunch together. I really felt pain that her attention wasn't mine anymore. And I'm not the reason why she's smiling everyday. I didn't mind and back to my food. I continue eating and minding my own business.

Move on, Lisa. Love her as a bestfriend, nothing more.

Chaelisa "Enough"Where stories live. Discover now