• Chapter 27 •

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Lisa's POV at Lisa's House

I woke up feeling someone was on top of me and feels wet kisses all over my face, I opened my eyes then i saw rosie kissing my face while on top of me, she suddenly stop when she noticed that I'm fully awake

She smiles at me sweetly and peck my lips

“What are you doing?” I asked with husky voice

She chuckle “Nothing, good morning my love”

“Good morning” I smiled back

Rosé POV

I noticed that lisa is still sleeping, so I went on top of her and stare at her beautiful face for almost 30 minutes

Perfection my love, Perfection.

I thought

A smirked formed my lips and I started to give her some wet kisses but then she suddenly woke up, she asked me what I'm doing but i just says nothing. Without her knowing that I've been staring at her beautiful face while she's asleep, I gave her good morning kiss and smiles sweetly

Even though it was just a kiss, it's always makes me think i want more than that, I bit my lower lip trying to remove what's on my mind that always makes me wet because of her lips and touched

But then lisa suddenly spoke

“My love, are you alright?” Lisa asked softly caressing my shoulder

1 week has passed since we had sex, maybe i can ask her yeah? I'm her girlfriend she will surely agree, right?

Lisa cleared her throat “My love? What's bothering you?”

I leaned closer and kiss my girlfriend's neck living some wet kisses again, i got more turn on when she hummed and exposed her neck more so that i can give her some kiss, I decided sucking her neck wanting to tell her that i want her,

“Hmm, my love...” she calls me while I'm still sucking her neck, I roam my hand caressing lisa's abdomen,

“Lisa” I called her name and she looks at me, I stared at her lustfully “I want more...” i added while biting my lip

“I-it thought it was just a good morning kisses” Lisa chuckle

“Lali, please...” I beg

“My love we have class at 9am, and it's already 8:30am, we should've getting ready-”

“B-but we'll be quick, please...” I looked at her lustfully and she stare at me softly, i really want her so bad “1 week ago since we had sex, and now I'm craving for your touch-”

“Shh, My love... We can do it later night, this time let's go to our class first, all right?” she says calmly

“But I'm already wet!” I pouted

“I know” she chuckles “I can see it the way you looked at me” she added

I bit my lip and stare at her, but then i heard her sighed

“Okay fine, we'll be quick” She said and smile suddenly appeared on my face

She changed the position and i was now laying on the bed and she was now on top of me, she starts kissing me passionately while undressing me and herself

No one's POV

“Better?” Lisa asked and kissed rosé's forehead

Rosie nodded and gave lisa a peck on her lip, after their make out session, they stood up and get ready for their school.

After 30 minutes, someone knocked on the door that made lisa and rosé looked at each other,

“Guys? Still alive?” Jennie shouted

Lisa let out a chuckle “Yes, Unnie. Give us some more minutes”

“Are you guys kidding me? It's already 9:10am in the morning, I've been waiting for you both to come out! Come on we're late-” Jennie whines

But the door suddenly opened revealing lisa and rosé, They smiled but jennie raised her one eyebrow, Jennie looks at them confusedly thinking if they woke up late or something happened between the two, but then jennie went her gaze on rosé, rosé smile nervously and immediately look down

“I've been-” Jennie got interrupt

“We know unnie. We're very sorry, let's go?” Lisa smile nervously

“Ugh! You know what, seriously did you guys woke up late?” Jennie asked with a frown

“Uh.. y-yes” Lisa says almost whisper

“Liar!” Jennie shouted making the two flinched, “I was about to wake you up earlier, but then i heard someone's moaning and i-”

Lisa puth her hand on jennie's mouth making her shut up, Rosé blush in embarrassment and hide her face on her girlfriend's shoulder

“Unnie, shut up can you? Let's go. We're late, right?” Lisa said nervously

“Okay fine, whatever” Jennie rolled her eyes and leave immediately leaving the two behind

Lisa POV

I looked at chaeyoung hiding her face on my shoulder, I let out a chuckled and she looks at me with a frown

“What? Do you think it's funny?” chaeyoung says directly

I laughed and she pinched my shoulder making me groan “Shut up” chaeyoung added

“I told you, we can do it later night. You were so needy that's why-”

“I know, I know.... I feel so embarrassed to myself right now” chaeyoung says whispering

“It's okay my love, I'm here okay? I love you always” I said and kissed her forehead

“And I love you more” chaeyoung smiles sweetly making my heart melt because of the beauty she had

“Let's go?” I said and she nod

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